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Covid-19: how a virus is turning the world upside down.
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-03 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.m1336
Ilona Kickbusch 1 , Gabriel M Leung 2 , Zulfiqar A Bhutta 3 , Malebona Precious Matsoso 4 , Chikwe Ihekweazu 5 , Kamran Abbasi 6

We may emerge from this with a healthier respect for our common humanity The covid-19 pandemic is the biggest threat in living memory to health and wellbeing, social welfare, and the global economy. In a world shaped by neoliberalism the economy has always come first, but many leaders of rich countries are now explicitly prioritising people’s health over the economy. On 26 March, G20 leaders held an extraordinary summit on health, focusing on covid-19. In the face of the severe economic impact of necessary public health actions, financial rules that were considered sacrosanct are being bent with startling speed and force. Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, promised, “We will do what is necessary.” Germany has enough financial reserves and emergency instruments to release additional funds and maintain economic life.1 France is engaged in an economic and financial war, according to its finance minister: “This war will be long, it will be violent, and we must mobilise all our national, European, and G7 forces.”2 President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa believes that, “What we are witnessing is social solidarity in action, a defining feature of our nationhood.”3 The global economy is braced for at least $2.7tn (£2tn; €2.5tn) in lost output, equivalent to the annual gross domestic product of the United Kingdom.4 Projections indicate that many economies will be crippled and unable to recover quickly, especially in the global South.5 The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, created to implement the Marshall plan after the second world war, is calling for a global new deal.6 If economies and social order collapse in South Asia, Africa, or Latin America, no border, wall, or boundary will be enough to contain the consequences. At its emergency summit, the G20 committed “to do whatever it takes to overcome the pandemic,” …



面对这种情况,我们可能会更加尊重我们的共同人类。covid-19大流行是人们记忆中对健康和福祉,社会福利以及全球经济的最大威胁。在一个由新自由主义塑造的世界中,经济一直是第一位的,但是现在富裕国家的许多领导人明确地将人民的健康置于经济之上。3月26日,二十国集团(G20)领导人举行了一次特别的健康峰会,重点是covid-19。面对必要的公共卫生行动对经济造成的严重影响,被视为神圣不可侵犯的财务规则正以惊人的速度和力量弯曲。德国总理安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)承诺:“我们将做必要的事情。” 德国拥有足够的财政储备和应急工具,可以释放更多资金并维持经济寿命。或拉丁美洲,没有边界,隔离墙或边界足以控制后果。二十国集团在紧急峰会上承诺“竭尽全力克服大流行”,…