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Structural evaluation of masonry building damages during the April 24, 2014 Gökçeada earthquake in the Aegean Sea
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s10518-020-00833-z
Caner Göçer

An earthquake of MW = 6.5 occurred on May 24, 2014, at 12:25 h local time (09:25 GMT), its epicenter in the Aegean Sea, 25 km north of Gökçeada. The effect of the earthquake produced the most damage in the rural houses of Gökçeada. This paper describes the evaluations made through onsite field observations of the damages inflicted on the structures of thirty rural houses in the Tepeköy settlement connected to Gökçeada. An evaluation was made of the types of damage, the mechanisms of damage and the causes of the damage sustained by these houses, which all had similar structural characteristics but different plan typologies and suffered varying levels of damage. The damage observed in Gökçeada was classified using the catalogue of mechanisms originally developed for the failure mechanisms identification and vulnerability evaluation procedure. The general types of damage were cracks in the loadbearing external walls and corners, diagonal cracks starting from the corners of doors and windows, vertical out-of-plane displacement of external walls, out-of-plane fragmentation or disintegration and collapse of external wall and partial collapse of loadbearing internal walls, ruptures in the outer surfaces of loadbearing external walls, partial collapse of roof structure, partial collapse of hearth and chimney sections, rupture or flaking of window and door lintels. The causes of the general damage may be cited as an irregular bonding system, weak mortar, stone block formation, stone block size, absence of tie beams, corners weakly connected, weak connection of wall-roof system, week connection of wall-floor system, and different internal wall systems. The levels of damage and the mechanisms of damage vary depending upon the number of causes of the damage, the particulars of the layout, and some structural properties. In terms of the characteristics of the layout, an increase in unsupported loadbearing wall lengths led to more destructive damage mechanisms in the houses. In terms of structural characteristics, the construction of the internal wall system with timber on the upper floors, and with stone material on the lower floors was a major factor in increasing the level of damage and determining its type and mechanism.



M W地震 6.5发生在2014年5月24日当地时间12:25(格林尼治标准时间09:25),它的震中位于爱琴海,位于Gökçeada以北25公里处。地震的影响对Gökçeada的乡村房屋造成的破坏最大。本文介绍了通过现场观察对连接到Gökçeada的Tepeköy定居点中30所农村房屋结构造成的破坏进行的评估。对这些房屋的破坏类型,破坏机理和破坏原因进行了评估,这些房屋都具有相似的结构特征,但计划类型不同,遭受的破坏程度也不同。使用最初为故障机制识别和漏洞评估程序开发的机制目录,对在Gökçeada中观察到的损坏进行了分类。损坏的一般类型是承重外墙和墙角的裂缝,从门窗的拐角处开始的斜裂缝,外墙的垂直面外位移,面外碎裂或崩解和外墙塌陷承重内壁的部分塌陷,承重外壁的外表面破裂,屋顶结构的部分塌陷,炉膛和烟囱部分的塌陷,窗户和门的破裂或剥落。造成一般损坏的原因可能是:粘结体系不规则,砂浆薄弱,形成石块,块石大小,没有连接梁,角落连接不牢固,屋面系统连接薄弱,墙面系统连接薄弱以及不同的内墙系统。损坏程度和损坏机理取决于损坏原因的数量,布局的详细信息和某些结构特性。就布局的特性而言,无支撑承重墙长度的增加导致房屋中更具破坏性的损坏机制。就结构特性而言,在上层建筑木材而下层建筑石材的内墙系统是增加破坏程度并确定其类型和机制的主要因素。无支撑承重墙长度的增加导致房屋中更具破坏性的损坏机制。就结构特性而言,在上层建筑木材而下层建筑石材的内墙系统是增加破坏程度并确定其类型和机制的主要因素。无支撑承重墙长度的增加导致房屋中更具破坏性的损坏机制。就结构特性而言,在上层建筑木材而下层建筑石材的内墙系统是增加破坏程度并确定其类型和机制的主要因素。