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Holocene Evolution of the Burano Paleo-Lagoon (Southern Tuscany, Italy)
Water ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.3390/w12041007
Maurizio D’Orefice , Piero Bellotti , Adele Bertini , Gilberto Calderoni , Paolo Censi Neri , Letizia Di Bella , Domenico Fiorenza , Luca Maria Foresi , Markella Asimina Louvari , Letizia Rainone , Cécile Vittori , Jean-Philippe Goiran , Laurent Schmitt , Pierre Carbonel , Frank Preusser , Christine Oberlin , Francesca Sangiorgi , Lina Davoli

The study of Burano paleo-lagoon—Wetland of International Value, has allowed us to better define and extend the reconstruction of the Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution of the paleo-lagoons previously studied, located on the Tyrrhenian coast in central Italy. The investigated area is located in Southern Tuscany near the Burano Lake. The area was investigated by means of field surveys, historical maps, 16 coring, sedimentological, palynological and microfaunal analyses (foraminifera and ostracods), combined with robust geochronological control provided by 52 datings (14C and OSL). The study allowed us to reconstruct the environmental and morphological evolution of the Burano paleo-lagoon during the last 8000 years and to hypothesize a Rise Sea Level (RSL) curve. In this context, 5 main evolutionary phases have been recognized. (1) before 7.5 ka BP in the southern-eastern part, an open lagoon developed; (2) ~6 ka BP a barrier-lagoon system develops throughout the entire area and the lagoon progressively changed from open to closed one; (3) ~5 ka BP the width of the lagoon increases and a lacustrine facies appears along the entire axis of the coastal basin; (4) ~4 ka BP the lacustrine facies shows a discontinuous distribution respect to the previous phase; (5) during the last 4 ka the lacustrine facies disappear and the lagoon turns into a wetland area.



布拉诺古泻湖——具有国际价值的湿地的研究,使我们能够更好地定义和扩展之前研究过的位于意大利中部第勒尼安海岸的古泻湖的全新世古环境演化重建。调查区域位于布拉诺湖附近的托斯卡纳南部。通过实地调查、历史地图、16 个取芯、沉积学、孢粉学和微动物分析(有孔虫和介形虫),结合 52 个年代学(14C 和 OSL)提供的强大地质年代控制,对该地区进行了调查。该研究使我们能够重建过去 8000 年布拉诺古泻湖的环境和形态演变,并假设海平面上升 (RSL) 曲线。在这种情况下,已经认识到 5 个主要的进化阶段。(1) 7 之前。东南部5 ka BP,发育开放泻湖;(2) ~6 ka BP,整个地区形成了一个屏障-泻湖系统,泻湖逐渐从开放变为封闭;(3) ~5 ka BP,泻湖宽度增加,沿海岸盆地的整个轴线出现湖相;(4) ~4 ka BP 湖相与前一相呈不连续分布;(5) 最后 4 ka 湖相消失,泻湖变为湿地。(4) ~4 ka BP 湖相与前一相呈不连续分布;(5) 最后 4 ka 湖相消失,泻湖变为湿地。(4) ~4 ka BP 湖相与前一相呈不连续分布;(5) 最后 4 ka 湖相消失,泻湖变为湿地。