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Visual acuity and color discrimination in patients with cataracts.
Journal of the Optical Society of America A ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1364/josaa.382397
Z. Langina-Jansone , R. Truksa , M. Ozolinsh

Color vision tests can give information about pathological changes in eye structures. The purpose of our research was to study the color vision sensitivity and visual acuity changes before and after cataract surgery. We used a saturated Farnsworth D15 color vision arrangement test to check color sensitivity changes in confusion line directions. The test is easily perceptible (essential to eldery patients), and it is possible to check color sensitivity changes in tritan, protan, and deutan confusion line directions. The results were analyzed in several ways: by summing the color differences between adjacent caps according to Bowman and averaging the color difference vectors according to Vingrys and King-Smith. Color difference vectors determine the severity (or confusion), selectivity (or scatter), and type of color deficiency to the presented cap arrangements. In the least squares regression method, the error type is determined by the angular proximity of the best-fit line to known confusion axes representing protan, deutan, tritan, or unspecified color defects. All three tests showed that cataract-induced lens opacity significantly decreases a patient's chromatic resolution in the visible light region. Before the cataract surgery, the D15 test stimulus arrangement sequence showed similarities with tritan color deficiency.



色觉测试可以提供有关眼睛结构的病理变化的信息。我们的研究目的是研究白内障手术前后的色觉敏感性和视力变化。我们使用饱和的Farnsworth D15色彩视觉排列测试来检查混乱线方向上的色彩灵敏度变化。该测试很容易察觉(对于老年患者是必不可少的),并且可以检查tritan,protan和deutan混淆线方向上的颜色灵敏度变化。通过几种方法对结果进行了分析:根据Bowman对相邻盖之间的色差求和,并根据Vingrys和King-Smith对色差向量求平均。色差向量确定严重性(或混乱),选择性(或散布),所出现的瓶盖布置的颜色缺陷类型和类型。在最小二乘回归方法中,错误类型由最佳拟合线与代表毛边,氘代,三边或未指定颜色缺陷的已知混淆轴的角度接近度来确定。所有这三个测试表明,白内障引起的晶状体混浊明显降低了患者在可见光区域的色度分辨率。在白内障手术之前,D15测试刺激的排列顺序显示出与tritan颜色缺乏症的相似之处。可见光区域的色度分辨率。在白内障手术之前,D15测试刺激的排列顺序与tritan色缺乏症相似。可见光区域的色度分辨率。在白内障手术之前,D15测试刺激的排列顺序与tritan色缺乏症相似。