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Farm locations and dwelling clusters: Do they make production and technical efficiency spatially contagious?
Food Policy ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.101883
Rusyan Jill Mamiit , John Yanagida , Donald Villanueva

Abstract In the last decades, local rice supplies in the Philippines have fallen short of local demand. As a result, the Philippines has become a net importer of rice. Reacting to this situation, the Philippine government introduced the Food Staples Sufficiency Program (FSSP) in 2012 with the belief that the Philippines can attain rice self-sufficiency. As physical farm expansion yields only 20% of the necessary increase in production, the remaining 80% must come from increased productivity. This study uses a sample of rice production areas in Central Luzon as representative of rice production in the Philippines. Stochastic production frontier analysis revealed that the average technical efficiency of farms in Central Luzon ranges between 0.76 and 0.92 in the wet and dry seasons. Increasing farm productivity can help attain the FSSP production target by potentially increasing yield per hectare. A combination of spatial econometrics with geostatistical tools demonstrated the presence of spatial dependence in yield and farm performance. Results show significant clustering of best and worst performing farms, specifically in Tarlac City. To increase farm technical efficiency and help attain food production targets at national and even global levels, policy interventions should consider focusing on geographically prioritized areas for technical efficiency improvement.



摘要 在过去的几十年里,菲律宾当地的大米供应一直无法满足当地的需求。因此,菲律宾已成为大米净进口国。针对这种情况,菲律宾政府在 2012 年推出了主食自给计划(FSSP),相信菲律宾可以实现大米自给自足。由于物理农场的扩张只产生了必要的产量增长的 20%,剩下的 80% 必须来自生产力的提高。本研究使用吕宋岛中部的水稻产区样本作为菲律宾水稻生产的代表。随机生产前沿分析显示,中吕宋农场的平均技术效率在雨季和旱季介于 0.76 和 0.92 之间。提高农场生产力可以通过潜在地增加每公顷产量来帮助实现 FSSP 生产目标。空间计量经济学与地质统计学工具的结合证明了产量和农场绩效存在空间依赖性。结果显示表现最佳和最差农场的显着聚类,特别是在打拉市。为了提高农场技术效率并帮助实现国家乃至全球层面的粮食生产目标,政策干预应考虑将重点放在技术效率改进的地理优先领域。特别是在打拉城。为了提高农场技术效率并帮助实现国家甚至全球层面的粮食生产目标,政策干预应考虑将重点放在地理上优先考虑的技术效率改进领域。特别是在打拉城。为了提高农场技术效率并帮助实现国家乃至全球层面的粮食生产目标,政策干预应考虑将重点放在技术效率改进的地理优先领域。