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Auction Mechanisms in Cloud/Fog Computing Resource Allocation for Public Blockchain Networks
arXiv - CS - Computer Science and Game Theory Pub Date : 2018-04-26 , DOI: arxiv-1804.09961
Yutao Jiao, Ping Wang, Dusit Niyato, Kongrath Suankaewmanee

As an emerging decentralized secure data management platform, blockchain has gained much popularity recently. To maintain a canonical state of blockchain data record, proof-of-work based consensus protocols provide the nodes, referred to as miners, in the network with incentives for confirming new block of transactions through a process of "block mining" by solving a cryptographic puzzle. Under the circumstance of limited local computing resources, e.g., mobile devices, it is natural for rational miners, i.e., consensus nodes, to offload computational tasks for proof of work to the cloud/fog computing servers. Therefore, we focus on the trading between the cloud/fog computing service provider and miners, and propose an auction-based market model for efficient computing resource allocation. In particular, we consider a proof-of-work based blockchain network. Due to the competition among miners in the blockchain network, the allocative externalities are particularly taken into account when designing the auction mechanisms. Specifically, we consider two bidding schemes: the constant-demand scheme where each miner bids for a fixed quantity of resources, and the multi-demand scheme where the miners can submit their preferable demands and bids. For the constant-demand bidding scheme, we propose an auction mechanism that achieves optimal social welfare. In the multi-demand bidding scheme, the social welfare maximization problem is NP-hard. Therefore, we design an approximate algorithm which guarantees the truthfulness, individual rationality and computational efficiency. Through extensive simulations, we show that our proposed auction mechanisms with the two bidding schemes can efficiently maximize the social welfare of the blockchain network and provide effective strategies for the cloud/fog computing service provider.



区块链作为新兴的去中心化安全数据管理平台,近来大受欢迎。为了维护区块链数据记录的规范状态,基于工作量证明的共识协议为网络中的节点(称为矿工)提供激励,以通过“区块挖掘”过程通过解决密码学问题来确认新的交易区块。谜。在本地计算资源(例如移动设备)有限的情况下,理性的矿工(即共识节点)很自然地将工作量证明的计算任务卸载到云/雾计算服务器。因此,我们专注于云/雾计算服务提供商与矿工之间的交易,并提出基于拍卖的市场模型以实现高效的计算资源分配。特别是,我们考虑基于工作量证明的区块链网络。由于区块链网络中矿工之间的竞争,在设计拍卖机制时特别考虑了分配的外部性。具体来说,我们考虑两种投标方案:每个矿工竞标固定数量资源的恒定需求方案,以及矿工可以提交其偏好的需求和投标的多需求方案。对于恒定需求投标方案,我们提出了一种实现最优社会福利的拍卖机制。在多需求投标方案中,社会福利最大化问题是 NP-hard 问题。因此,我们设计了一个近似算法,保证真实性、个体合理性和计算效率。通过大量的模拟,