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Elements of Success: Supporting at-risk student resilience through learning analytics
Computers & Education ( IF 12.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2020.103890
Jae-Eun Russell , Anna Smith , Russell Larsen

Abstract Strategies that incorporate learning analytics are continuing to advance as higher education institutions work to promote student success. Although many of the early learning analytics applications were intended to help teaching professionals to identify at-risk students, some learning analytics applications display information on course progress and performance directly to students. While positive associations between student use of learning analytics and achievement have been reported, some have expressed concern that for at-risk students, low estimated grades might induce negative emotions, which could lead to disengagement or even withdrawal. However, few studies have examined the effects of such applications on at-risk students. Elements of Success is a learning analytics platform that provides students with weekly performance feedback, including a current estimated grade. This study examined the relationship between student use of Elements of Success and academic performance among at-risk students in an introductory chemistry course. Specifically, we compared final grade outcomes and the risk of withdrawal among students who received a low estimated grade after the first midterm. Results indicated that viewing performance feedback, including a low estimated grade, was not associated with withdrawal from the course for at-risk students. Furthermore, at-risk students who used Elements of Success were found to be resilient. After controlling for prior learning outcomes, demographics, and self-reported study skills, it was found that they were more likely to earn a final passing grade (C- or above) than at-risk students who never used it. The results and limitations are further discussed.



摘要 随着高等教育机构努力促进学生成功,纳入学习分析的策略正在不断发展。尽管许多早期学习分析应用程序旨在帮助教学专业人员识别有风险的学生,但一些学习分析应用程序直接向学生显示有关课程进度和表现的信息。虽然有报道称学生使用学习分析与成绩之间存在正相关,但有些人表示担心,对于有风险的学生,低估计成绩可能会引发负面情绪,这可能导致脱离甚至退缩。但是,很少有研究检查此类应用程序对高危学生的影响。Elements of Success 是一个学习分析平台,可为学生提供每周的表现反馈,包括当前的估计成绩。本研究调查了学生在化学入门课程中使用“成功要素”与有风险学生的学业成绩之间的关系。具体而言,我们比较了在第一个期中后获得低估计成绩的学生的最终成绩和退学风险。结果表明,查看成绩反馈(包括较低的估计成绩)与高危学生退出课程无关。此外,发现使用“成功要素”的高危学生具有弹性。在控制了先前的学习成果、人口统计数据和自我报告的学习技能之后,结果发现,与从未使用过的高危学生相比,他们更有可能获得最终及格分数(C-或以上)。进一步讨论了结果和局限性。