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Impact of a health marketing campaign on sugars intake by children aged 5-11 years and parental views on reducing children's consumption.
BMC Public Health ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-30 , DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-8422-5
Jennifer Bradley 1 , Grace Gardner 1, 2 , Maisie K Rowland 1 , Michaela Fay 3 , Kay Mann 4 , Richard Holmes 2 , Emma Foster 1 , Catherine Exley 3 , Ann Don Bosco 5 , Orla Hugueniot 5 , Paula Moynihan 6

The association between Free Sugars intake and non-communicable diseases such as obesity and dental caries is well documented and several countries are taking measures to reduce sugars intakes. Public Health England (PHE) instigated a range of approaches to reduce sugars, including a national health marketing campaign (Sugar Smart). The campaign aimed to raise awareness of the amount of sugars in foods and drinks and to encourage parents to reduce their children’s intake. The aim of this study was to determine whether the campaign was effective in altering dietary behaviour, by assessing any impact of the campaign on sugars intake among children aged 5–11 years. Parental perceptions of the campaign and barriers to reducing sugars intake were also explored. Parents of 873 children aged 5–11 years, identified from an existing PHE database, were invited to take part. Dietary information was collected online using Intake24 before, during, and at 1, 10 and 12 months following the campaign. Change in sugars intake was assessed using mixed effects linear regression models. One-to-one telephone interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of parents to explore perceptions of the campaign and identify barriers and facilitators to reducing children’s sugars intake. Completion rates for dietary assessment ranged from 61 to 72% across the follow up time points. Qualitative telephone interviews were conducted with 20 parents. Total sugars intake decreased on average by ~ 6.2 g/day (SD 43.8) at peak campaign and the percentage of energy from total sugars significantly decreased immediately and 1 year post campaign. The percentage of energy from Free Sugars significantly decreased across all time points with the exception of the long term follow up at 12-months post campaign. The percentage of energy intake from total fat increased. Parents expressed a willingness to reduce sugars intakes, however, identified barriers including time constraints, the normalisation of sugary treats, and confusing information. A health marketing campaign had a positive impact in reducing sugars intake but reductions in sugars were not sustained. Parents want to reduce their child’s sugars intake but societal barriers and confusion over which sources of sugars to avoid hamper efforts to change.



游离糖摄入与非传染性疾病(例如肥胖症和龋齿)之间的关联已得到充分证明,并且一些国家正在采取措施减少糖摄入量。英格兰公共卫生(PHE)提出了一系列减少糖分的方法,包括一项全国健康营销运动(Sugar Smart)。该运动旨在提高人们对食品和饮料中糖含量的认识,并鼓励父母减少孩子的摄入量。这项研究的目的是通过评估运动对5-11岁儿童糖摄入量的任何影响,来确定运动是否有效地改变了饮食行为。还探讨了家长对运动的看法以及减少糖摄入的障碍。从现有的PHE数据库中识别出873名5-11岁儿童的父母,被邀请参加。运动开始前,运动中以及运动后1、10和12个月使用Intake24在线收集饮食信息。使用混合效应线性回归模型评估糖摄入量的变化。进行了一对一的电话访谈,目的是对父母进行抽样调查,以了解对运动的看法,并确定降低儿童糖摄入量的障碍和促进者。在整个随访时间点,膳食评估的完成率在61%到72%之间。对20位家长进行了定性电话采访。运动高峰时,总糖摄入量平均每天减少约6.2 g / day(SD 43.8),并且运动后立即和运动后1年总糖中的能量百分比显着下降。除运动后12个月的长期随访外,所有时间点的游离糖能量百分比均显着下降。从总脂肪中摄取能量的百分比增加。父母表示愿意减少糖的摄入,但是,他们发现了障碍,包括时间限制,含糖零食的正常化以及令人困惑的信息。健康营销活动对减少糖的摄入有积极的影响,但糖的减少并没有持续。父母希望减少孩子的糖摄入量,但社会上的障碍和对避免摄入哪些糖源的困惑会阻碍改变的努力。父母表示愿意减少糖的摄入,但是,他们发现了障碍,包括时间限制,含糖零食的正常化以及令人困惑的信息。健康营销活动对减少糖的摄入有积极的影响,但糖的减少并没有持续。父母希望减少孩子的糖摄入量,但社会上的障碍和对避免摄入哪些糖源的困惑会阻碍改变的努力。父母表示愿意减少糖的摄入,但是,他们发现了障碍,包括时间限制,含糖零食的正常化以及令人困惑的信息。健康营销活动对减少糖的摄入有积极的影响,但糖的减少并没有持续。父母希望减少孩子的糖摄入量,但是社会上的障碍和对避免使用哪些糖源的困惑会阻碍改变的努力。