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Effect of high hydrostatic pressure challenge on biogenic amines, microbiota, and sensory profile in traditional poultry- and pork-based semidried fermented sausage
Journal of Food Science ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-28 , DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.15101
Ana F Borges 1 , Almudena Cózar 2 , Luís Patarata 3 , Luis T Gama 1 , Cristina M Alfaia 1 , Maria J Fernandes 1 , Maria H Fernandes 1 , Herminia Vergara Pérez 2 , Maria J Fraqueza 1

The processing of traditional poultry- and pork-based semidried fermented smoked sausages needs to be modernized to improve product quality and further extend its shelf life. The aim of the present study was to apply different combinations of high pressure (300 to 600 MPa) and time (154 to 1,800 s) on the sausages using an experimental design based on response surface methodology. The chemical, microbial, and sensory characteristics of sausages treated with high-pressure processing (HPP) were investigated. HPP application to semidried fermented sausages resulted in color changes, which could be dependent on the ingredients, formulation, and smoking conditions used. Nevertheless, none of the HPP treatments applied resulted in detectable changes in sensory properties, as tested in a triangle test and confirmed by the analysis of focus groups assessment. Significant differences were detected for lactic acid bacteria (LAB) counts from 344 MPa and 1,530 s onward, with a marked decrease for the combination of 600 MPa and 960 s (P < 0.05). Coagulase-negative staphylococci showed higher tolerance to the increase in pressure than LAB. HPP induced a microbial reduction on Enterobacteriaceae, molds, and yeasts, minimizing the production of the main biogenic amines. However, the polyamines (spermine and spermidine) increased since their metabolic use by microorganisms did not occur. Given the reduction of the main spoilage microbial indicators with no detectable sensory changes observed with the binomial condition of 600 MPa and 960 s, this was chosen as the optimal combination to be further applied. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: The results from sensory analysis revealed that any of the HPP treatments applied resulted in detectable changes in sensory properties, as tested in a triangle test and confirmed by the analysis of the focus groups speeches.



传统家禽和猪肉半干发酵熏香肠的加工需要现代化,以提高产品质量并进一步延长其保质期。本研究的目的是使用基于响应面方法的实验设计对香肠应用不同的高压(300 至 600 兆帕)和时间(154 至 1,800 秒)组合。研究了高压处理 (HPP) 处理的香肠的化学、微生物和感官特性。HPP 应用于半干发酵香肠会导致颜色变化,这可能取决于所使用的成分、配方和吸烟条件。然而,所应用的 HPP 处理均未导致可检测到的感官特性变化,在三角测试中测试并通过焦点小组评估的分析确认。乳酸菌 (LAB) 计数从 344 MPa 和 1,530 s 开始检测到显着差异,600 MPa 和 960 s 的组合显着减少(P < 0.05)。凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌对压力增加的耐受性高于 LAB。HPP 诱导了肠杆菌科、霉菌和酵母菌的微生物减少,从而最大限度地减少了主要生物胺的产生。然而,多胺(精胺和亚精胺)增加了,因为它们没有被微生物代谢使用。鉴于在 600 MPa 和 960 s 的二项式条件下观察到的主要腐败微生物指标减少且未观察到可检测的感官变化,这被选为进一步应用的最佳组合。