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Few-cycle lightwave-driven currents in a semiconductor at high repetition rate
Optica ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-30 , DOI: 10.1364/optica.389150
Fabian Langer , Yen-Po Liu , Zhe Ren , Vidar Flodgren , Chen Guo , Jan Vogelsang , Sara Mikaelsson , Ivan Sytcevich , Jan Ahrens , Anne L’Huillier , Cord L. Arnold , Anders Mikkelsen

When an intense, few-cycle light pulse impinges on a dielectric or semiconductor material, the electric field will interact nonlinearly with the solid, driving a coherent current. An asymmetry of the ultrashort, carrier-envelope-phase-stable waveform results in a net transfer of charge, which can be measured by macroscopic electric contact leads. This effect has been pioneered with extremely short, single-cycle laser pulses at low repetition rate, thus limiting the applicability of its potential for ultrafast electronics. We investigate lightwave-driven currents in gallium nitride using few-cycle laser pulses of nearly twice the duration and at a repetition rate 2 orders of magnitude higher than in previous work. We successfully simulate our experimental data with a theoretical model based on interfering multiphoton transitions, using the exact laser pulse shape retrieved from dispersion-scan measurements. Substantially increasing the repetition rate and relaxing the constraint on the pulse duration marks an important step forward toward applications of controlling currents with light.


