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Zooplankton hatching from dormant eggs in a large Pampean shallow lake
Hydrobiologia ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s10750-020-04233-x
Mariana Odriozola , Horacio E. Zagarese , Nadia Diovisalvi

Dormancy is an essential component of the life cycle for populations that disappear from the plankton during winter. The hatching of resting eggs is the main mechanism for restoring active population components. Here, we analyzed the hatching dynamics of zooplankton from sediments of a shallow lake as affected by temperature. Sediment samples collected every other month were incubated at in situ temperatures and at 20°C. The highest number of individual's hatchings was observed for copepod nauplii, the cladoceran Bosmina sp., and the rotifer Brachionus havanaensis . Temperature showed a positive significant effect on the hatchlings of B. havanaensis. Other zooplankton species were less affected by temperature, and there was no relationship between their emergence from the incubated sediments and occurrence in the water column. We also tested the effect of short-term (6 and 12 weeks) and long-term (a year) storage duration on hatching success. The hatching success of B. havanaensis was not affected by the storage time. In contrast, the hatchlings of Bosmina sp. and nauplii increased after short storage time. The evidence collected here suggests that many zooplankters were not affected by temperature, while for B. havanaensis temperature turned out to be a master variable that links planktonic and passive phases.



休眠是冬季从浮游生物中消失的种群生命周期的重要组成部分。休眠卵的孵化是恢复活性种群成分的主要机制。在这里,我们分析了受温度影响的浅湖沉积物中浮游动物的孵化动态。每隔一个月收集的沉积物样品在原位温度和 20°C 下孵育。桡足类无节幼体、枝角类 Bosmina sp. 和轮虫 Brachionus havanaensis 的个体孵化数量最高。温度对 B. havanaensis 的幼苗表现出显着的积极影响。其他浮游动物物种受温度影响较小,它们从孵化的沉积物中出现与在水体中出现之间没有关系。我们还测试了短期(6 周和 12 周)和长期(一年)储存时间对孵化成功的影响。B. havanaensis的孵化成功率不受贮藏时间的影响。相比之下, Bosmina sp. 的幼龟。和无节幼体在较短的储存时间后增加。这里收集的证据表明,许多浮游动物不受温度的影响,而哈瓦那双鱼座的温度则是连接浮游阶段和被动阶段的主要变量。