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My total hip replacement
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 18.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-27 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101899
Louise Grant 1

My mother had a total hip replacement (THR) 20 years ago, at age 50, just after my dad had died of a brain tumour. She would say, ‘at least this hip problem is not life threatening’. After mum’s joint replacement surgery, I saw her live life to the full—including jet-skiing, tandem paragliding! Her replaced hip (the early small-headed Charnley prosthesis) is still doing great. As a young physiotherapist, I wanted to learn all I could to help mum’s hip stand the test of time and that is where my journey started as a hip specialist physiotherapist in the UK. My first time as a hip patient was in 2011, after 20 years of treating hip patients (figure 1). I had an accident slipping on some ice and badly tore my left hip labral cartilage. I underwent a hip arthroscopy which after 9 months of tailored graded rehabilitation successfully relieved my pain, muscle inhibition and joint stiffness—it gave me my life back. Figure 1 Lou Grant, hip chartered physiotherapist. Having a hip injury and recovering from the hip arthroscopy gave me valuable insight into how having hip pain can affect you physically and mentally, and how addressing both aspects is equally important.1 My experience really helped me understand my patients better; some of my colleagues and patients joked that I had it done as a …



20 年前,我的母亲在 50 岁时接受了全髋关节置换术 (THR),就在我父亲死于脑瘤之后。她会说,“至少这个臀部问题不会危及生命”。在妈妈的关节置换手术后,我看到了她完整的生活——包括水上摩托艇、双人滑翔伞!她置换的髋关节(早期的小头 Charnley 假肢)仍然做得很好。作为一名年轻的理疗师,我想尽我所能帮助妈妈的臀部经受住时间的考验,这就是我在英国作为髋关节专家理疗师的旅程开始的地方。我第一次作为髋关节患者是在 2011 年,在治疗髋关节患者 20 年后(图 1)。我在冰上意外滑倒,严重撕裂了我的左髋盂唇软骨。我接受了髋关节镜手术,经过 9 个月的量身定制的分级康复治疗,成功缓解了我的疼痛,肌肉抑制和关节僵硬——它让我重获新生。图 1 Lou Grant,髋关节特许物理治疗师。髋关节损伤和髋关节镜术后恢复让我深入了解髋关节疼痛如何影响您的身心,以及如何解决这两方面同样重要。1 我的经历确实帮助我更好地了解我的患者;我的一些同事和患者开玩笑说,我这样做是为了……