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Experimental demonstration and analysis of random field effects in ferromagnet/antiferromagnet bilayers
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 
Guanxiong Chen, Dylan Collette, and Sergei Urazhdin

More than 30 years ago, Malozemoff (Phys. Rev. B 35 , 3679 (1987)) hypothesized that exchange interaction at the interface between a ferromagnet (F) and an antiferromagnet (AF) can act as an effective random field, which can profoundly affect the magnetic properties of the system. However, until now this hypothesis has not been directly experimentally tested. We utilize magnetoelectronic measurements to analyze the effective exchange fields at Permalloy/CoO interface. Our results cannot be explained in terms of quasi-uniform effective exchange fields, but are in agreement with the random-field hypothesis of Malozemoff. The presented approach opens a new route for the quantitative analysis of effective exchange fields and anisotropies in magnetic heterostructures for memory, sensing and computing applications.



30年前,Malozemoff(Phys。Rev. B 35,3679(1987))假设铁磁体(F)和反铁磁体(AF)之间的界面处的交换相互作用可以充当有效的随机场,这可以深刻地影响系统的磁性能。但是,到目前为止,还没有直接通过实验验证这一假设。我们利用磁电子测量来分析坡莫合金/ CoO界面的有效交换场。我们的结果无法用准均匀有效交换场来解释,但与Malozemoff的随机场假设相符。提出的方法为定量分析用于存储,传感和计算应用的磁性异质结构中的有效交换场和各向异性开辟了一条新途径。