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Transport-induced suppression of nuclear field fluctuations in multi-quantum-dot systems
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 
Jørgen Holme Qvist and Jeroen Danon

Magnetic noise from randomly fluctuating nuclear spin ensembles is the dominating source of decoherence for many multi-quantum-dot multielectron spin qubits. Here we investigate in detail the effect of a DC electric current on the coupled electron-nuclear spin dynamics in double and triple quantum dots tuned to the regime of Pauli spin blockade. We consider both systems with and without significant spin-orbit coupling and find that in all cases the flow of electrons can induce a process of dynamical nuclear spin polarization that effectively suppresses the nuclear polarization gradients over neighboring dots. Since exactly these gradients are the components of the nuclear fields that act harmfully in the qubit subspace, we believe that this presents a straightforward way to extend coherence times in multielectron spin qubits by at least one order of magnitude.


