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Effects of plant age on performance of the tropical perennial fodder grass, Cenchrus ciliaris L. subjected to elevated ultraviolet-B radiation.
Plant Biology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-26 , DOI: 10.1111/plb.13116
A Hamid 1 , S Singh 1 , M Agrawal 1 , S B Agrawal 1

  • Abiotic stress, notably high ultraviolet‐B (eUV‐B), limit growth and productivity of many crop plants, but information on response of forage grasses to eUV‐B radiation is rather limited.
  • The present study was therefore conducted to increase our understanding of differential age‐related responses on growth, metabolism and fodder quality of Cenchrus ciliaris‐3108 (Buffel grass) to elevated UV‐B (eUV‐B: 7.2 kJ·m−2·day−1).
  • Plant growth at both growth stages was notably reduced in response to eUV‐B, except for the number of nodes and tillers at vegetative and reproductive stages. At anthesis, tillering increased due to the perennial habit of this plant, but leaf senescence reduced the number of leaves per tiller. Unlike ambient UV‐B, eUV‐B at the vegetative stage resulted in diversion of photosynthate for the formation of secondary metabolites (tannins and phenolics), providing dual protection from photooxidative damage and from herbivory.
  • The forage biomass as well as quality showed a marked decline under eUV‐B and relative nutritive value was reduced at both growth stages.


植物年龄对热带多年生草Cenchrus ciliaris L.受到紫外线B辐射增强的影响。

  • 非生物胁迫,特别是高紫外线B(eUV-B)限制了许多农作物的生长和生产力,但是有关牧草对eUV-B辐射的响应信息却非常有限。
  • 因此,本研究是为了增加我们对生长,代谢和饲料的品质差年龄相关的应答理解水牛草-3108(Buffel草),以UV-B升高(EUV-B:7.2千焦耳·米-2 ·天-1)。
  • 对eUV-B的响应,两个生长阶段的植物生长均显着降低,除了营养和生殖阶段的节和分till数。在花期,由于该植物的多年生习性,分till增加,但是叶片衰老减少了每个分er的叶片数量。与环境UV-B不同,营养阶段的eUV-B导致光合产物转移用于形成次生代谢产物(单宁和酚类),从而提供了对光氧化损伤和草食动物的双重保护。
  • 在eUV-B下,牧草生物量和品质均显着下降,并且两个生育阶段的相对营养价值均降低。