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Impact of Distributed Energy Resources on Arc Flash Incident Energy
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tpwrd.2019.2912347
Gefei Kou , Jonathan Deverick , Kevin Phelps , Tin Nguyen , Francisco G. Velez-Cedeno

Electric line personnel perform energized overhead line work and expose themselves to potential arc flash burns. Arc flash incident energy is calculated to determine proper personal protective equipment to protect line personnel against bodily injuries. As increased amount of distributed energy resources (DERs) are being interconnected to distribution systems, higher arc flash incident energy is encountered. This paper explores the arc flash incident energy calculation method for distribution overhead feeders with the presence of DERs. The impact of DERs on arc flash incident energy is evaluated on nine Dominion energy's distribution feeders that interconnect solar inverters. Various factors, including DER mega volt-ampere (MVA) capacity, DER unintentional islanding run-on time, and DER step-up transformer winding configuration are considered. The effectiveness of neutral grounding resistors and low set instantaneous protection is also explored.



电线人员执行带电的架空线路工作,并使自己暴露于潜在的电弧闪光烧伤中。计算电弧闪光入射能量以确定适当的个人防护设备,以保护线路人员免受身体伤害。随着越来越多的分布式能源 (DER) 与配电系统互连,会遇到更高的电弧闪光入射能量。本文探讨了存在 DER 的配电架空馈线的弧闪入射能量计算方法。在互连太阳能逆变器的九个 Dominion energy 配电馈线上评估了 DER 对电弧闪光入射能量的影响。考虑了各种因素,包括 DER 兆伏安 (MVA) 容量、DER 意外孤岛运行时间和 DER 升压变压器绕组配置。