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Mitigation of a Hot Spot along a Cable Circuit Using a Novel Cooling Solution
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tpwrd.2019.2916351
Heinrich Brakelmann , George J. Anders , Sudhakar Cherukupalli

This paper presents the results of ampacity studies and proposed remedial actions for the situation where a steam pipe and several distribution circuits cross a duct bank with HV transmission cables. The studies involved application of a novel solution using a gravitational water cooling system. The system and the corresponding mathematical model are described in detail in the paper. The system was implemented in the BC Hydro network in downtown Vancouver. Practical concerns of BC Hydro engineers involving safety and public utility regulations as well as the measurement results obtained before and after installation are also discussed in the paper.



本文介绍了载流量研究的结果,并针对蒸汽管道和多个配电线路与高压传输电缆穿过管道组的情况提出了补救措施。研究涉及使用重力水冷却系统的新解决方案的应用。该系统和相应的数学模型在论文中有详细的描述。该系统已在温哥华市中心的 BC Hydro 网络中实施。该论文还讨论了 BC Hydro 工程师在安全和公用事业法规以及安装前后获得的测量结果方面的实际问题。