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Metal-insulator transition and dominantd+idpairing symmetry in twisted bilayer graphene
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 
Wanying Chen, Yonghuan Chu, Tongyun Huang, and Tianxing Ma

Motivated by recent experimental studies that have found signatures of a correlated insulator phase and tuning superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene, we study the temperature-dependent conductivity, the spin correlation and the superconducting pairing correlation within a two-orbital Hubbard model on an emergent honeycomb lattice. The evaluation of the temperature dependence of the conductivity demonstrates that there is a metal-insulator transition, and the Mott phase at strong coupling is accompanied by antiferromagnetic order. The electronic correlation drives a d+id superconducting pairing to be dominant over a wide filling region. All of the dc conductivity, the spin correlation and the superconductivity are suppressed as the interlayer coupling strength increases, and the critical Uc for the metal-insulator transition is also reduced. Our intensive numerical results reveal that twisted bilayer graphene should be a uniquely tunable platform for exploring strongly correlated phenomena.


