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Security of Chemical Laboratories in Schools and Universities in Slovakia
Journal of Chemical Education ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-26 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00838
Mária Babinčáková 1 , Jozef Ristvej 2 , Mária Ganajová 1

Schools in Slovakia lack a deeper education and training in chemical security. It is not mandatory to educate students about chemical security during their studies at any educational level. An increasing number of terrorist attacks involving chemicals have highlighted a big gap in this area of education. Slovakia, as part of Central and Eastern Europe, can play an important role in chemical security. This paper presents the results of the current situation of chemical security in Slovak schools. There are 167 middle schools, high schools, and universities that comprise a representative sample of schools in the entire Slovakia. The situation is comparable to other countries but requires several improvements in this field. This paper also presents recommendations to the schools and the government. On the basis of the results achieved in the framework of the statistical research provided within this paper, the results will be implemented in Slovak study programs as well as future scientific and research work.


