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Correction to “Direct Particle Tracking Observation and Brownian Dynamics Simulations of a Single Nanoparticle Optically Trapped by a Plasmonic Nanoaperture”
ACS Photonics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-26 , DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.0c00408
Zhe Xu , Wuzhou Song , Kenneth B. Crozier

We discovered an error in the video analysis code used to track the position of trapped nanoparticles. Here, we provide a corrected version of the affected figure (Figure 4) of the original paper, obtained using the corrected video analysis code. The corrected panels comprise the scatter plots of trapped particle location (Figure 4e) and position histograms (Figure 4f,g). The other panels of that figure (Figure 4a–d) are unchanged. We provide a corrected version of the Table of Contents and Abstract image, as this includes Figure 4e. In addition, we provide a corrected discussion of Figure 4f,g below. This discussion starts and ends with the sentences to be corrected and includes for convenience the intervening sentences in the original paragraph (for which no correction is needed). Figure 4. (a)–(c) EM-CCD frames showing optical trapping and release of a single 20 nm NP by DNH (approximately position: yellow dot). I0 = 16 mW/μm2. (d) Optical trapping of a single 20 nm NP seen as sudden discrete jumps in fluorescence intensity. I0 = 22 mW/μm2. (e) Scatter plots of NP center locations. (f), (g) Position histograms along the x- and y-axes, extracted from data of panel e. In Figure 4f,g, we plot the measured NP center positions (xc and yc) as histograms. The full-widths-at-half-maximum (fwhms) of fitted Gaussian distributions are 486 and 332 nm along the x- and y-directions when the illumination intensity is 6.6 mW/μm2 (see Supporting Information, Movie 2). When the illumination intensity is 22 mW/μm2, the fwhms are 38 and 76 nm along the x- and y-directions, respectively. It can be seen that there is suppression of Brownian motion at the higher laser intensity. At the higher intensity, DNH results in the NPs being confined in an elliptical region, where the position histogram is narrower along the x-direction than the y-direction. This anisotropy can be ascribed to the near field being more strongly confined along the x-direction than the y-direction (see Figure 1c). In addition, the trapped NP experiences the steric hindrance from DNH edge in x-direction rather than in y-direction. To obtain experimental trapping stiffness for a rough estimate, we determine the “effective” trapping stiffness (keff = kBT/var(x), var(x) is the position variance) for both illumination intensities (6.6 and 22 mW/μm2). This is extracted from the measured variance of position (determined from fwhms in Figure 4f,g) and correction function using the method of ref 44 that accounts for video-image motion blur over a finite integration time. The successive grayscale images for tracking are recorded with an ∼30 ms exposure time. For 6.6 mW/μm2, this yields trapping stiffnesses in the x- and y-directions of kx = 0.033 fN/nm and ky = 0.050 fN/nm, respectively. For 22 mW/μm2, this yields trapping stiffnesses in the x- and y-directions of kx = 0.463 fN/nm and ky = 0.230 fN/nm, respectively; i.e., kx is about 2 times larger than ky. Table of Contents and Abstract image: This article has not yet been cited by other publications. Figure 4. (a)–(c) EM-CCD frames showing optical trapping and release of a single 20 nm NP by DNH (approximately position: yellow dot). I0 = 16 mW/μm2. (d) Optical trapping of a single 20 nm NP seen as sudden discrete jumps in fluorescence intensity. I0 = 22 mW/μm2. (e) Scatter plots of NP center locations. (f), (g) Position histograms along the x- and y-axes, extracted from data of panel e.



我们在用于追踪被困纳米粒子位置的视频分析代码中发现了一个错误。在这里,我们提供了使用修正后的视频分析代码获得的原始论文受影响图形的修正版本(图4)。校正后的面板包括捕获的粒子位置(图4e)和位置直方图(图4f,g)的散点图。该图的其他面板(图4a–d)未更改。我们提供了目录和摘要图像的更正版本,其中包括图4e。另外,我们在下面提供了对图4f,g的正确讨论。该讨论以要纠正的句子开始和结束,为方便起见,在原始段落中插入了中间句子(无需更正)。图4。0 = 16毫瓦/微米2。(d)单个20 nm NP的光学捕获被视为荧光强度的突然离散跳跃。0 = 22毫瓦/微米2。(e)NP中心位置的散点图。(f),(g)从面板e的数据中提取的沿xy轴的位置直方图。在图4f,g中,我们将测得的NP中心位置(x cy c)绘制为直方图。拟合高斯分布的全宽度-在-半最大(半值宽度)为486和沿332纳米X -和ÿ -方向时的照度为6.6毫瓦/微米2(请参阅支持信息,电影2)。当照明强度为22毫瓦/微米2,在半值宽度是38点沿76纳米X -和ÿ -方向,分别。可以看出,在较高的激光强度下布朗运动受到抑制。在较高的强度下,DNH导致NP被限制在椭圆形区域中,其中位置直方图沿x方向比y方向更窄。这种各向异性可以归因于近场沿x方向的约束比沿y方向的约束更大(请参见图1c)。另外,被捕获的NP在x中经历了来自DNH边缘的空间位阻-方向,而不是y-方向。为了获得粗略估计的实验诱捕刚度,我们确定了两种照明强度(6.6和22 mW / m)的“有效”诱捕刚度(k eff = k B T / var(x,var(x)是位置方差))微米2)。这是使用参考44的方法从测量到的位置方差(由图4f,g中的fwhms确定)和校正函数中提取的,该方法考虑了有限积分时间内的视频图像运动模糊。用于跟踪的连续灰度图像的曝光时间约为30毫秒。为6.6毫瓦/微米2,这会在xy方向分别产生k x = 0.033 fN / nm和k y = 0.050 fN / nm的俘获刚度。为22毫瓦/微米2,此产率捕集在刚度x轴y轴的方向ķ X = 0.463 fN的/ nm和ķ ÿ = 0.230 fN的/ nm时,分别; 也就是说,k x大约是k y的2倍。目录和摘要图片:本文尚未被其他出版物引用。图4.(a)–(c)EM-CCD帧显示了DNH的光学捕获和单个20 nm NP的释放(大约位置:黄点)。0 = 16毫瓦/微米2。(d)单个20 nm NP的光捕获被视为荧光强度的突然离散跳跃。0 = 22毫瓦/微米2。(e)NP中心位置的散点图。(f),(g)从面板e的数据中提取的沿xy轴的位置直方图。