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The effect of changing arterial blood pressure and carbon dioxide on cerebral blood flow.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2019-322432
Jean Claude Baron 1

The short article entitled ‘Effect of alterations in the arterial carbon dioxide tension on the blood flow through the cerebral cortex at normal and low arterial blood pressures’, published in 1965 in the JNNP by A Murray Harper and HI Glass,1 is among the most cited articles ever published in the journal (429 citations as of 21 January 2020). Interestingly, the same first author published the subsequent year in the JNNP another highly cited article2 on a closely related subject (372 citations as of 2020). The effect of changing arterial blood pressure and carbon dioxide on cerebral blood flow Authors : Harper AM, Glass HI Year Published : 1965 Number of times cited : 548 The Harper and Glass 1965 article was the first to assess the effects of changes in the arterial partial pressure of CO2 (PaCO2) on the cerebral circulation in conditions of normal arterial blood pressure, moderate hypotension and severe hypotension. To this end, the authors applied in anaesthetised mongrel dogs the technique that Lassen and Ingvar had just developed to measure quantitative regional blood flow of the exposed cerebral cortex using radioactive krypton injected in the internal carotid artery.3 The strong effects of changes in PaCO2 on the cerebral vasculature, first discovered in 1928 by Forbes and Wolff via direct observation of the pial arteries through a glass window in animals, …



1965年,A Murray Harper和HI Glass在JNNP上发表了一篇题为“动脉二氧化碳张力变化对在正常和低动脉血压下通过大脑皮层的血流的影响”的短篇小说。引用了该杂志曾经发表的文章(截至2020年1月21日,被引用429次)。有趣的是,同一位第一作者于次年在JNNP上发表了另一篇被高度引用的文章2,该文章涉及一个密切相关的主题(截至2020年,已被引用372次)。变化的动脉血压和二氧化碳对脑血流的影响作者:Harper AM,Glass HI出版年代:1965被引用次数:548 Harper and Glass 1965年的文章首次评估了在正常动脉血压,中度低血压和严重低血压情况下,CO2动脉分压(PaCO2)的变化对脑循环的影响。为此,作者在麻醉的杂种狗中应用了Lassen和Ingvar刚开发的技术,该技术使用颈内动脉中注入的放射性k来测量暴露的大脑皮层的定量局部血流。3PaCO2变化对脑血管系统,最早是由福布斯和沃尔夫于1928年通过动物玻璃窗直接观察到的颈动脉发现的……