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Advances in neuroprosthetic management of foot drop: a review.
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-25 , DOI: 10.1186/s12984-020-00668-4
Javier Gil-Castillo 1 , Fady Alnajjar 2 , Aikaterini Koutsou 1 , Diego Torricelli 1 , Juan C Moreno 1

This paper reviews the technological advances and clinical results obtained in the neuroprosthetic management of foot drop. Functional electrical stimulation has been widely applied owing to its corrective abilities in patients suffering from a stroke, multiple sclerosis, or spinal cord injury among other pathologies. This review aims at identifying the progress made in this area over the last two decades, addressing two main questions: What is the status of neuroprosthetic technology in terms of architecture, sensorization, and control algorithms?. What is the current evidence on its functional and clinical efficacy? The results reveal the importance of systems capable of self-adjustment and the need for closed-loop control systems to adequately modulate assistance in individual conditions. Other advanced strategies, such as combining variable and constant frequency pulses, could also play an important role in reducing fatigue and obtaining better therapeutic results. The field not only would benefit from a deeper understanding of the kinematic, kinetic and neuromuscular implications and effects of more promising assistance strategies, but also there is a clear lack of long-term clinical studies addressing the therapeutic potential of these systems. This review paper provides an overview of current system design and control architectures choices with regard to their clinical effectiveness. Shortcomings and recommendations for future directions are identified.



本文综述了脚掌神经修复术的技术进展和临床结果。功能性电刺激由于其矫正能力而在中风,多发性硬化或脊髓损伤等疾病中的患者中得到了广泛应用。这篇综述旨在确定过去二十年来在该领域取得的进展,并解决两个主要问题:就结构,传感和控制算法而言,神经修复技术的现状如何?关于其功能和临床功效的最新证据是什么?结果表明,能够进行自我调节的系统非常重要,并且需要闭环控制系统在各个条件下充分调节辅助功能。其他高级策略 例如将可变脉冲和恒定频率脉冲组合在一起,也可以在减轻疲劳和获得更好的治疗效果方面发挥重要作用。该领域不仅将从对运动学,动力学和神经肌肉影响以及更有前途的援助策略的影响的更深刻理解中受益,而且显然缺乏针对这些系统的治疗潜力的长期临床研究。这篇综述文章概述了当前系统设计和控制体系结构选择的临床有效性。指出不足之处和对未来方向的建议。动力学和神经肌肉的影响以及更有前景的辅助策略的影响,但显然缺乏针对这些系统的治疗潜力的长期临床研究。这篇综述文章概述了当前系统设计和控制体系结构选择的临床有效性。指出不足之处和对未来方向的建议。动力学和神经肌肉的影响以及更有希望的辅助策略的效果,但是显然缺乏针对这些系统的治疗潜力的长期临床研究。这篇综述文章概述了当前系统设计和控制体系结构选择的临床有效性。指出不足之处和对未来方向的建议。