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Impact of biodegradation of oil on the kinetics of gas hydrate formation and decomposition
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering Pub Date : 2020-03-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2020.107211
Sergey Skiba , Dmitry Strukov , Aleksei Sagidullin , Tatyana Adamova , Andrey Stoporev , Lidia Svarovskaya , Larisa Strelets , Lubov Altunina , Andrey Manakov

Nowadays the biological methods based on utilization of bacteria for different purposes in oilfields are becoming more and more popular because these methods potentially may become a cheaper alternative to chemical treatments. Gas hydrates formation in pipelines is the one of the main flow assurance problems. In previous works it has been shown that some biodegraded oils can have components that may act as natural Anti-Agglomerants. These natural Anti-Agglomerants can prevent hydrate particles from agglomeration which allow the particles to flow downstream along with oil in form of slurry. But there is lack of understanding of how products of oil biodegradation affect the kinetic aspects of hydrate nucleation, formation and decomposition. This information might be useful for development of new approached of treatment of the hydrate related issues in oil pipelines.

Impact of the changes in component composition of crude oil caused by biodegradation process on the kinetics of gas hydrates nucleation, formation and decomposition has been studied with different methods. It was demonstrated that the changes of chemical composition of crude oil caused by biodegradation can have a strong impact on the hydrate nucleation rates at static conditions. Almost twofold decrease of hydrate nucleation rate was observed in the experiments with the water-in-oil emulsion for the biodegraded oils compared to one obtained with emulsion in the original crude oil. At the same time, no significant effect of biodegradation on the hydrate film growth rates at static conditions was observed. Similar tangential and normal hydrate film growth rates were obtained in experiments with both crude oil and with biodegraded oil. Initial growth rates of hydrate in stirring emulsions were an order of magnitude higher for water emulsions in the biodegraded oil compared to ones for the original crude oil. The studies of the decomposition rates of hydrates at sub-zero temperatures and at dynamic conditions showed that the products of vital activity of bacteria promoted self-preservation of hydrates dispersed in the biodegraded oil.




