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Did you know? Why is essential hypertension essential-Or is it?
Acta Physiologica ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-21 , DOI: 10.1111/apha.13469
Friedrich C Luft 1, 2

Sir George W. Pickering was an astute, opinionated observer and highly gifted cardiovascular investigator. He considered the rich history of cardiovascular research, settled on the term “essential hypertension” (although he did not like it much) and left us with two challenges and then outlined three areas of investigation, namely animal models, human translational studies and genetics to pursue. These directives have been largely fulfilled and have resulted in a substantial, albeit imperfect, treatment armamentarium. The essential challenge remains in further scholarship and clinical application.

Aside perhaps from di Paolo's portrait of St. John the Baptist's beheading (Figure 1), the most telling description of blood pressure was conveyed to us by William Harvey, who wrote: “Lastly, as in the cutting of any artery, the blood leaps out sometimes farther, sometimes nearer, you shall find the out‐leaping to be just with the arterial diastole, at which time the heart strikes the breast, and at that time then when it appears that the heart is in its tension and contraction, it is in its systole, and the blood is thrust out with the same motion.”

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Before there was television or the internet, there were public executions. Di Paolo clearly showed the difference between arteries and veins and surely also observed the effects of cardiac systole and diastole. Unfortunately, he was not sufficiently observant to get the arterial and venous blood colour differences down correctly

The fact that elevated blood pressure is lethal is known to us since the 19th century as the result of bedside and “dead‐house” observations, as Pickering observed.1 He commented that high blood pressure can occur in ways. In secondary hypertension, high blood pressure is associated with a specific disease to which it is believed to be secondary, such as pheochromocytoma, unilateral renal disease, Cushing's syndrome, coarctation of the aorta, Conn's syndrome, or acute nephritis. However, Mahomed demonstrated hypertensive patients earlier in whom evidence of a specific underlying disease was wanting.2 The recognition of this condition was slow and a bewildering succession of names was applied. Hyperpiesia was a good one that did not stick.

A name that did survive was Essentielle Hypertonie .3 In 1911, Franka a Erich Frank (1884 Berlin‐1957 Istanbul) was a German physician and internist. He was professor of medicine in Breslau, when in 1934, the German authorities released him from his duties because of Jewish parentage. Frank moved to Istanbul, where he continued his highly successful distinguished career.
administered adrenalin (Suprarenin®; Hoechst) to patients and observed a prompt increase in blood pressure (expressed as cm H2O), while blood (or plasma) glucose levels hardly changed. Frank recognized the fact that adrenalin‐related blood pressure increases were similar to those observed when the sympathetic chain was stimulated. He noted that the adrenal medulla was sympathetically innervated. Nevertheless, adrenalin worked even if the sympathetic chain was mechanically destroyed. In his discussion, Frank distinguishes between hypertension forms related to underlying renal diseases and hypertension without an obvious cause (similar to Mahomed's conjectures). He concludes that an increase in tone of all small arteries in the body, including those in the kidney, must be responsible and uses the term “primary” to describe this state‐of‐affairs. He then goes on to state that he will use the term “essential hypertension” to describe this condition, to separate it from causes related to renal disease. Renin was known to Frank and the paper by Tigerstedt and Bergmann was cited, although the world would have to wait another 25 years before renin substrate and angiotensin were discovered. Frank does not iterate further on why he selected the term “essentielle Hypertonie,” although he does observe that the reasons for the increased peripheral vascular resistance were unclear. Adrenalin (a problem related to the chromaffin organ) was clearly one of his candidates. Twenty years later, Volhard devoted 142 pages of fine print to the topic but could not really help Frank further.4

Early on, the impact of hypertension on survival was clearly recognized, and not just the accelerated form (malignant hypertension) but also any blood pressure elevation was considered lethal. Schleicher begins her book on hypertension, in 1944, with the statement that hypertension was responsible for more deaths than tuberculosis and cancer put together.5 She cites no references for this interesting statement, although we now know through the Global Burden of Disease Studies that she was absolutely correct. As a matter of fact, elevated systolic blood pressure is the single most important cause for cardiovascular death, the commonest cause of death worldwide, twice as important as smoking, blood sugar, blood lipids, obesity, and environmental influences.

For Pickering, two questions emerged.1 What is the mechanism by which blood pressure increases (in all forms of hypertension)? What is the nature of primary essential hypertension? He outlined three areas of investigation. First, the production of hypertension requires animal models. Second, the circulatory changes must be documented, not only in the animals but also in man. Third, the genetic and environmental factors must be elucidated. Pickering was an ardent taskmaster, but at least he was unequalled as a contributor to all the answers.

Ohm provided the law, and the law is equally applicable to the cardiovascular system as it is to electronic circuitry. Over the entire body, we deal with three variables, electromotive force (pressure), flow, and resistance. Since in established chronic hypertension, cardiac output has invariably been found to be “normal,” we must accept that increased peripheral vascular resistance (as Frank surmised) is responsible for increased blood pressure. Thus, research has focused on what causes vascular alterations to increase peripheral vascular resistance. Animal models have been produced in abundance; the most productive have been gene‐modified rodent models.

Pickering was well aware of the kidney's putative role in blood pressure regulation and gives Goldblatt full credit.6 Oddly, Pickering does not appear to ascribe to the idea that pressure natriuresis is the most important of all long‐term regulators of arterial pressure. Guyton et al reasoned that an increase in extracellular fluid volume, which usually accompanies sodium accumulation, is responsible for increases in arterial pressure.7 If the increase in fluid volume is prevented, hypertension will not occur despite marked sodium retention. They argued that long‐term autoregulation in hypertension plays a very important role for two reasons. First, it greatly increases the total peripheral resistance, while the cardiac output increases only a small amount; second, when it promotes arteriolar constriction, capillary pressure is reduced, which in turn allows a very large proportion of the extracellular fluid to remain in the blood rather than to leak into the interstitium. Even more remarkable is the fact that the systems analysis by Guyton et al, an idea with methodology far ahead of its time, is not cited or even mentioned by Pickering, who was surely familiar with the concept. Guyton's model is accepted by many, although it continues to draw substantial discussion including the introduction of alternative models, and may require subsequent modification. Pickering never warmed up to the salt‐hypertension idea and publicly teased Dahl (salt‐sensitive and salt‐resistant rats) for his conclusions and his low‐salt diet. Pickering's data suggested that angiotensin actually promoted natriuresis rather than sodium retention.

Genetics has undergone a revolution that would have delighted Pickering. Have we “closed the loop” and if not, where are we now? Perhaps we should begin with “bottom up.” Are we just born with it? Weitz initially studied monozygotic twin subjects and observed that their blood pressures invariably were similar, while dizygotic twins were not quite so similar. Weitz next addressed this notion in 82 patients with hypertension (without renal disease) and 267 other patients attending his clinic for other reasons. He found a family history of stroke and heart failure (cardiovascular disease) in 77% of his patients but in only 30% of his controls. Weitz subsequently measured blood pressure in siblings of patients and controls. The results at the time suggested that hypertension is inherited in a Mendelian fashion (autosomal dominant). Platt ascribed to that view and also made observations in twins and families.8 What Pickering and associates did was to accrue evidence from population samples (Figure 2). In this figure, we can see the blood pressure distributions of subjects in women and men, corrected for age, across a wide range of blood pressures. The Pickering investigators studied three groups of patients, the population at large, the first‐degree relatives of persons known to be hypertensive and the first‐degree relatives of patients known to be not (normal) hypertensive.1 The frequency distributions made the point. The Gaussian distributions are merely shifted according to the genetic risk. The data approximated Galton's data for height and more recent findings to this end. Pickering loved being right; but was he?

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Fifty years ago, the genetics of hypertension was hotly debated, largely between Pickering and Platt. In four detailed population‐based studies, Pickering's group showed in both women (A) and men (B) that those with two hypertensive parents or those with two normotensive parents represent shifts in frequency distributions, rather than two distinct phenotypes as we would expect in a Mendelian trait, as adapted from Pickering1

The closest we can come to genetically addressing Pickering's distributions is the genome‐wide genetic association study (GWAS). These studies examine >1 million genetic markers across the >3 billion long base‐pair genome. In the largest such studies, a million affected (hypertensive persons) have been compared to a similar number of controls. The idea here is to find those sites on the genome that are (far) more common in the hypertensives, compared to the normotensives. Cabrera et al recently reviewed the large numbers of GWAS performed and reported on 1000 genetic loci influencing blood pressure.9 Each locus predicts far less than 1 mm Hg blood pressure. The number would have surely flabbergasted Pickering who was hardly prone to becoming rattled. Nonetheless, the 1000 genes explained only a part of the expected genetic variance. Many of the genes are expressed in the vascular tree. They are involved in signal transduction, receptor regulation, cell proliferation, structural morphogenesis, filament‐based processes and organelle organization. The authors performed a “multi‐trait” association of the blood pressure loci plotted against numerous phenotypes associated with hypertension, as a “heat map.” The results could represent “finding what you knew had to be there.”

Nevertheless, Platt does not leave the arena empty handed. Numerous families with Mendelian hypertension have been identified and the relevant mutations cloned.10 Each mutation has a profound effect on blood pressure, explaining the entire genetic effect within each family. Most have involved sodium (chloride) transport in the distal nephron, implying agreement with Guyton et al, although the phenotyping of the putative dietary salt‐related effects was not rigorous. Some involve mutations relevant to vascular function, directly implicating smooth muscle cells as the mediators.

Currently, primary essential hypertension is interpreted as instances of blood pressure increases where we do not know the cause. However, that criticism is unjust since we know a vast amount about the vascular tree in hypertension. Good clinicianship coupled with >1000 genetic loci, a vast array of animal models, and effective pharmacological (and even non‐pharmacological) treatments have pointed out that the essential aspect of essential hypertension is getting the systolic blood pressure down, preferably <130 mm Hg, even in older patients.




也许除了迪保罗(Di Paolo)对施洗者圣约翰的斩首的肖像(图1)以外,威廉·哈维(William Harvey)向我们传达了最有说服力的血压描述,他写道:有时,有时甚至更近,您会发现出流与动脉舒张期正好有关,此时心脏撞击乳房,而此时似乎心脏处于紧张和收缩状态,处于收缩期,血液以相同的运动被推出。”

在没有电视或互联网之前,就有过公开处决。Di Paolo清楚地显示了动脉和静脉之间的差异,并且肯定还观察到了心脏收缩和舒张期的影响。不幸的是,他没有足够细心地观察到动脉和静脉的血色差异。


幸存下来的一个名字是Essentielle Hypertonie3 1911年,弗兰卡 一个 埃里希·弗兰克(1884年柏林- 1957年伊斯坦布尔)是一位德国医生和内科医生。他曾在布雷斯劳(Breslau)担任医学教授,1934年,由于犹太人的血统,德国当局将他免职。弗兰克(Frank)移居伊斯坦布尔,继续他非常成功的杰出职业生涯。
施用肾上腺素(Suprarenin ® ; Hoechst公司)对病人和观察到血压迅速增加(表示为厘米水柱2O),而血液(或血浆)的葡萄糖水平几乎不变。弗兰克(Frank)认识到,肾上腺素相关的血压升高与刺激交感神经链时的血压升高相似。他指出,肾上腺髓质被神经支配。然而,即使交感神经链被机械破坏,肾上腺素也起作用。在他的讨论中,弗兰克区分了与潜在肾脏疾病相关的高血压形式和没有明显原因的高血压(类似于马默德的猜想)。他得出结论,体内所有小动脉(包括肾脏中的小动脉)的音调升高都必须负责,并使用“主要”一词来描述这种情况。然后他继续声明,他将使用“原发性高血压”一词来描述这种情况,将其从与肾脏疾病相关的原因中分离出来。弗兰克(Frank)知道了肾素,并引用了Tigerstedt和Bergmann的论文,尽管在发现肾素底物和血管紧张素之前,世界还需要再等25年。弗兰克(Frank)不再重复为什么选择“雌性高渗”这个词,尽管他确实注意到尚不清楚外周血管阻力增加的原因。肾上腺素(与嗜铬菌素器官有关的问题)显然是他的候选人之一。二十年后,沃哈德(Volhard)为该主题投入了142页精美的画册,但并不能真正帮助弗兰克进一步发展。弗兰克(Frank)不再重复为什么选择“雌性高渗”这个词,尽管他确实注意到尚不清楚外周血管阻力增加的原因。肾上腺素(与嗜铬菌素器官有关的问题)显然是他的候选人之一。二十年后,沃哈德(Volhard)为该主题投入了142页精美的画册,但并不能真正帮助弗兰克进一步发展。弗兰克(Frank)不再重复为什么选择“雌性高渗”这个词,尽管他确实注意到尚不清楚外周血管阻力增加的原因。肾上腺素(与嗜铬菌素器官有关的问题)显然是他的候选人之一。二十年后,沃哈德(Volhard)为该主题投入了142页精美的画册,但并不能真正帮助弗兰克进一步发展。4





遗传学经历了一场使皮克林高兴的革命。我们是否“闭环”了,如果没有,我们现在在哪里?也许我们应该从“自下而上”开始。我们刚出生吗?Weitz最初研究了单卵双胞胎受试者,发现他们的血压始终相似,而双卵双胞胎并非如此相似。韦茨接下来针对82位高血压患者(无肾脏疾病)和其他267位因其他原因就诊的患者谈到了这一概念。他在77%的患者中发现了中风和心力衰竭(心血管疾病)的家族病史,但在他的对照组中却只有30%的患者。韦茨随后测量了患者和对照兄弟姐妹的血压。当时的结果表明,高血压以孟德尔方式遗传(常染色体显性遗传)。8 Pickering及其同事所做的是从人群样本中收集证据(图2)。在此图中,我们可以看到在广泛的血压范围内,按年龄校正的男女受试者的血压分布。Pickering研究人员研究了三类患者,即总体人群,已知患有高血压的人的一级亲属和已知不是(正常)高血压的患者的一级亲属。1频率分布很重要。高斯分布只是根据遗传风险而变化。该数据近似于高尔顿的身高数据,并为此提供了更多最新发现。皮克林爱正确。但是他呢?

五十年前,关于高血压的遗传学引起了激烈的争论,主要是在Pickering和Platt之间。在四项详细的基于人群的研究中,Pickering的小组在女性(A)和男性(B)中均表明,有两个高血压父母或两个血压正常父母的人代表频率分布的变化,而不是我们期望的两种不同的表型。孟德尔特质,改编自Pickering 1



当前,原发性原发性高血压被解释为我们不知道原因的血压升高情况。但是,这种批评是不公正的,因为我们对高血压中的血管树了解很多。良好的临床表现以及超过1000个基因位点,大量动物模型以及有效的药理(甚至非药理学)治疗方法已指出,原发性高血压的主要方面是使收缩压降低,最好是<130 mm Hg ,甚至在老年患者中也是如此。
