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Health risk assessment to dioxins, furans and PCBs in young children: The first French evaluation.
Food and Chemical Toxicology ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2020.111292
Marion Hulin 1 , Véronique Sirot 1 , Paule Vasseur 2 , Aurelie Mahe 1 , Jean-Charles Leblanc 1 , Julien Jean 2 , Philippe Marchand 3 , Anaïs Venisseau 3 , Bruno Le Bizec 3 , Gilles Rivière 1

A total diet study (TDS) was conducted between 2010 and 2016 to characterize the health risk related to chemical residues in food of French not breastfed children under three years of age (infant TDS). Among the targeted substances, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been characterized as they accumulate through the food chain, especially in lipid-rich food items, and because they have been associated with a number of adverse effects in humans. Food samples (n = 180) were collected to be representative of the dioxins and PCB exposure through the whole diet of non-breastfed children from 1 to 36 months old and prepared as consumed (including cooking) prior to analysis. Dietary exposure was then assessed for 705 representative children under 3 years of age based on their food consumptions recorded through a 3-consecutive-days record. Levels of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in infant food were lower than those observed in common food, leading to significant differences in exposure according to age groups. Mean exposures to PCDD/Fs ranged from 0.22 to 0.44 pg TEQWHO05.kg bw-1.d-1 (0.40-0.65 at the 90th percentile), depending on the age group and the hypothesis considered to manage left-censored data. Mean exposure to non-dioxin-like PCBs ranged from 0.87 ng kg bw-1.d-1 (1.55 at the 90th percentile) in the 1-4 months old children to 3.53 ng kg bw-1.d-1 (5.44 at the 90th percentile) in the 13-36 months old children. For dioxins and NDL-PCBs, the tolerable daily intake (TDI) was exceeded for some age groups, in particular for older ones. Therefore, appropriate management measures must continue for reducing exposure; it concerns mainly common milk in youngest children, ultra-fresh dairy products and fish. For PCBs, recommendations on fish consumption should be reminded. Moreover, toxicity studies focusing on mixtures of dioxin-like compounds should be encouraged in order to take into account effect of mixtures.



在2010年至2016年之间进行了一项总饮食研究(TDS),以表征与法国3岁以下非母乳喂养儿童(婴儿TDS)食品中的化学残留物有关的健康风险。在目标物质中,多氯联苯对二恶英(PCDDs),多氯二苯并呋喃(PCDF)和多氯联苯(PCB)的特征在于它们在食物链中积累,特别是在富含脂质的食物中积累,并且与人类的许多不良反应有关。收集食物样本(n = 180),以代表从1到36个月大的非母乳喂养儿童的整个饮食中的二恶英和PCB暴露,并在分析之前按食用量(包括烹饪)进行制备。然后根据连续3天记录的食物消费量,评估了705名3岁以下代表性儿童的饮食摄入量。婴儿食品中PCDD / Fs和PCBs的水平低于普通食品中的PCDD / Fs和PCBs,导致不同年龄段儿童的暴露量存在显着差异。PCDD / Fs的平均暴露范围为0.22到0.44 pg TEQWHO05.kg bw-1.d-1(第90个百分位数为0.40-0.65),具体取决于年龄组和被认为管理左删失数据的假设。在1-4个月大的儿童中,非二恶英样PCB的平均暴露量为0.87 ng kg bw-1.d-1(在90%百分位数为1.55)至3.53 ng kg bw-1.d-1(5.44 at在13-36个月大的儿童中排名第90位)。对于二恶英和NDL-PCBs,某些年龄段的人的每日允许摄入量(TDI)超出了限值,特别是对于年纪较大的人。因此,必须继续采取适当的管理措施以减少接触;它主要涉及幼儿中的普通牛奶,超新鲜乳制品和鱼。对于多氯联苯,应提醒有关鱼类消费的建议。此外,应鼓励针对二恶英样化合物混合物的毒性研究,以考虑混合物的影响。