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A tale of two utopias: Work in a post-growth world
Ecological Economics ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106653
Simon Mair , Angela Druckman , Tim Jackson

In this paper, we aim to contribute to the literature on post-growth futures. Modern imaginings of the future are constrained by the assumptions of growth-based capitalism. To escape these assumptions we turn to utopian fiction. We explore depictions of work in Cokaygne, a utopian tradition dating back to the 12th century, and William Morris's 19th century News from Nowhere. Cokaygne is a land of excessive consumption without work, while in News from Nowhere work is the route to the good life. These competing notions provide inspiration for a post-growth vision of work. We argue that biophysical and social dynamics mean that in a post-growth economy we are likely to have to be less productive and work more. But, this can be a utopian vision. By breaking the link between work and consumption at the level of the individual, we can remove some of the coercion in work. This would free us to do jobs that contribute to the social good, rather than generate exchange value, and empower us to fight for good work. Finally, we draw on eco-feminist analyses of capitalism to argue that by challenging labour productivity growth we can also challenge wider forces of oppression.



在本文中,我们旨在为有关后增长期货的文献做出贡献。现代对未来的想象受到基于增长的资本主义假设的限制。为了逃避这些假设,我们转向乌托邦小说。我们探索对 Cokaygne 作品的描述,这是一种可追溯到 12 世纪的乌托邦传统,以及威廉莫里斯 19 世纪的《无处传闻》。Cokaygne 是没有工作的过度消费之地,而在 News from Nowhere 中,工作是通往美好生活的途径。这些相互竞争的概念为后增长的工作愿景提供了灵感。我们认为,生物物理和社会动态意味着在后增长经济中,我们可能不得不降低生产力并增加工作量。但是,这可能是一个乌托邦式的愿景。通过在个人层面打破工作和消费之间的联系,我们可以消除工作中的一些胁迫。这将使我们自由地从事对社会有益的工作,而不是产生交换价值,并使我们能够为好工作而奋斗。最后,我们利用对资本主义的生态女权主义分析来论证,通过挑战劳动生产率的增长,我们也可以挑战更广泛的压迫力量。