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Photosynthetic performance of five cool-season turfgrasses under UV-B exposure.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2020.03.025
Thais Huarancca Reyes 1 , Antonio Pompeiano 2 , Annamaria Ranieri 1 , Marco Volterrani 1 , Lorenzo Guglielminetti 1 , Andrea Scartazza 3

Turfgrasses are monocotyledonous plants from the family Poaceae. They are widely used in green spaces and are considered one of the most economically important horticultural crops in the world. Turfgrass quality is affected by several environmental factors including light, which is involved in the quality decline of transplanted sod. Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) is an important regulator of plant growth and development. Plants growing and/or stored in protected systems, such as in sod production, may be more vulnerable to UV-B damage than those growing in the field due to acclimation. Few studies on the effects of UV-B on turfgrass physiology have been published. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of UV-B irradiation on the photosynthetic performance of five cool-season turfgrasses, namely Agrostis stolonifera L., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Poa supina Schrad., Poa pratensis L. and Lolium perenne L. Turfgrasses were exposed to 18.25 kJ m-2 d-1 biologically effective UV-B in growth chambers under controlled conditions. Measurements included photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence and gas exchanges monitored for 16 d-UV-B treatment and after recovery. Content of pigments decreased with UV-B exposure with significant differences among the species. UV-B also affected the photosystem II (PSII) efficiency depending on the exposure period and species. Similarly, gas exchange parameters showed different effects among species after UV-B exposure compromising the assimilation of CO2. Multivariate analysis highlighted three main clusters of species confirming their different UV-B tolerance and ability to restore PSII photochemistry after recovery, from which Festuca arundinacea resulted to be the most tolerant.



草坪草是禾本科的单子叶植物。它们被广泛用于绿色空间,被认为是世界上最重要的园艺作物之一。草坪草的质量受多种环境因素的影响,包括光,这与移植草皮的质量下降有关。紫外线B(UV-B)是植物生长发育的重要调节剂。生长和/或储存在受保护系统(例如草皮生产)中的植物可能比由于适应环境而在田间生长的植物更容易受到UV-B的损害。很少有关于UV-B对草皮生理影响的研究。因此,本研究的目的是评估UV-B辐射对5个凉季草皮草(Agrostis stolonifera L.)的光合性能的影响。Festuca arundinacea Schreb。,Poa supina Schrad。,Poa pratensis L.和Lolium perenne L.草坪草在受控条件下在生长室内暴露于18.25 kJ m-2 d-1生物学有效的UV-B。测量包括光合色素,叶绿素荧光和监测16 d-UV-B处理以及恢复后的气体交换。色素含量随UV-B暴露而降低,且物种间差异显着。UV-B还会影响光系统II(PSII)的效率,具体取决于曝光时间和种类。同样,气体交换参数在UV-B暴露后破坏物种对CO2的吸收,从而显示出不同的影响。多变量分析强调了三个主要物种簇,证实了它们对UV-B的不同耐受性以及恢复后恢复PSII光化学的能力,