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Altered climate leads to positive density-dependent feedbacks in a tropical wet forest.
Global Change Biology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-08 , DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15087
Benedicte Bachelot 1 , Aura M Alonso-Rodríguez 2 , Laura Aldrich-Wolfe 3 , Molly A Cavaleri 4 , Sasha C Reed 5 , Tana E Wood 2

Climate change is predicted to result in warmer and drier Neotropical forests relative to current conditions. Negative density-dependent feedbacks, mediated by natural enemies, are key to maintaining the high diversity of tree species found in the tropics, yet we have little understanding of how projected changes in climate are likely to affect these critical controls. Over 3 years, we evaluated the effects of a natural drought and in situ experimental warming on density-dependent feedbacks on seedling demography in a wet tropical forest in Puerto Rico. In the +4°C warming treatment, we found that seedling survival increased with increasing density of the same species (conspecific). These positive density-dependent feedbacks were not associated with a decrease in aboveground natural enemy pressure. If positive density-dependent feedbacks are not transient, the diversity of tropical wet forests, which may rely on negative density dependence to drive diversity, could decline in a future warmer, drier world.



相对于当前条件,气候变化预计将导致新热带森林的变暖和干燥。由天敌引起的依赖密度的负反馈是维持热带地区树种高度多样性的关键,但我们对气候的预计变化将如何影响这些关键控制措施的了解很少。在3年多的时间里,我们评估了自然干旱和原位实验变暖对波多黎各湿热带森林中幼苗人口统计的密度依赖性反馈的影响。在+ 4°C的升温处理中,我们发现,随着相同物种(同种)的密度增加,幼苗存活期也增加。这些与密度有关的正反馈与地上天敌压力的降低无关。