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Liveweight gain of beef cattle in Brachiaria brizantha pastures and mixtures with Stylosanthes guianensis in the Brazilian savannah
Grass and Forage Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-20 , DOI: 10.1111/gfs.12473
Gustavo José Braga 1 , Allan Kardec Braga Ramos 1 , Marcelo Ayres Carvalho 1 , Carlos Eduardo Lazarini Fonseca 1 , Francisco Duarte Fernandes 1 , Celso Dornellas Fernandes 2

The use of stylosanthes in mixed grass‐legume pastures may minimize the decline in forage quality and quantity that occurs in monoculture grass pastures, even though the availability of commercial cultivars in Brazil is still limited. The objective of the study was to evaluate the liveweight (LW) gain of young Nellore bulls in a mixed pasture of Brachiaria brizantha (cv. Paiaguás) with the latest release Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Bela. The study was conducted in Planaltina, FD, Brazil, from September to August in two consecutive years, right after seeding. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with two treatments (mixed or monoculture Paiaguás pastures) and three replicates. The average daily gain (ADG) was on average greater in mixed pastures (0.436 vs. 0.350 kg head−1 day−1 in mixed and grass pastures respectively), particularly in the dry period (0.344 vs. 0.183 kg head−1 day−1). The benefit of mixed over monoculture grass pastures throughout the year was 22 kg LW/head and 55 kg LW/ha. The presence of stylosanthes increased the crude protein (CP) concentration in mixed pastures (120 g/kg) when compared to monoculture grass pastures (109 g/kg), probably influencing the ADG of bulls. The increase of liveweight gain, predominantly in the dry season, makes the high‐protein stylosanthes cv. Bela an alternative to buffer the seasonal deficit of forage quality in newly seeded grass pastures.


Brachiaria brizantha牧场中肉牛的增重以及巴西大草原中与Stylosanthes guianensis的混合物的增重

尽管在巴西商业品种的供应仍然有限,但在混合的豆科植物和草场中使用苯乙烯类农药可以最大程度地减少单种草场中草料质量和数量的下降。这项研究的目的是评估Brachiaria brizantha(cv。Paiaguás)与最新发布的Stylosanthes guianensis混合牧场中年轻内罗尔公牛的活重(LW)增长。简历。贝拉 这项研究是在播种后立即于9月至8月连续两年在巴西FD的Planaltina进行的。实验设计是随机的完全区组设计,具有两种处理方式(混合或单一种植Paiaguás牧场)和三个重复处理。混合牧场的平均日增重(ADG)平均更高(混合牧场和草牧场分别为0.436 vs.0.350 kg头-1-1),尤其是在干旱时期(0.344 vs. 0.183 kg头-1- 1个)。与单一栽培草牧场相比,混合作物全年的收益为每头22公斤体重和每公顷55公斤体重。与单一栽培草场(109 g / kg)相比,硬脂香根的存在增加了混合牧场(120 g / kg)中粗蛋白(CP)的浓度,可能会影响公牛的ADG。体重增加的增加(主要是在旱季)使高蛋白的花粉变质。贝拉(Bela)是一种缓解新播种草场牧草质量季节性不足的替代方法。