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Wolves at the door? Factors influencing the individual behavior of wolves in relation to anthropogenic features
Biological Conservation ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108514
David Carricondo-Sanchez , Barbara Zimmermann , Petter Wabakken , Ane Eriksen , Cyril Milleret , Andrés Ordiz , Ana Sanz-Pérez , Camilla Wikenros

Abstract The recovery of large carnivores in human-dominated landscapes comes with challenges. In general, large carnivores avoid humans and their activities, and human avoidance favors coexistence, but individual variation in large carnivore behavior may occur. The detection of individuals close to human settlements or roads can trigger fear in local communities and in turn demand management actions. Understanding the sources of individual variation in carnivore behavior towards human features is relevant and timely for ecology and conservation. We studied the movement behavior of 52 adult established wolves ((Canis lupus), 44 wolf pairs) with GPS-collars over two decades in Scandinavia in relation to settlements, buildings, and roads. We fit fine-scale movement data to individual step selection functions to depict the movement decisions of wolves while travelling, and then used weighted linear mixed models to identify factors associated with potential individual pair deviations from the general behavioral patterns. Wolves consistently avoided human settlements and main roads, with little individual variation. Indeed, after correcting for season, time of the day, and latitude, there was little variability in habitat selection among wolf pairs, demonstrating that all wolf pairs had similar movement pattern and generally avoided human features of the landscape. Wolf avoidance of human features was lower at higher latitudes particularly in winter, likely due to seasonal prey migration. Although occasional sightings of carnivores or their tracks near human features do occur, they do not necessarily require management intervention. Communication of scientific findings on carnivore behavior to the public should suffice in most cases.



摘要 在人类主导的景观中大型食肉动物的恢复面临挑战。一般来说,大型食肉动物会避开人类及其活动,而人类的回避则有利于共存,但大型食肉动物的行为可能会出现个体差异。发现靠近人类住区或道路的个人会引发当地社区的恐惧,进而要求采取管理行动。了解食肉动物对人类特征行为的个体差异的来源对于生态和保护是相关且及时的。我们研究了二十多年来在斯堪的纳维亚半岛与定居点、建筑物和道路有关的 52 只成年狼((犬狼疮),44 对狼)与 GPS 项圈的运动行为。我们将精细尺度的运动数据与单个步长选择函数拟合,以描述狼在旅行时的运动决策,然后使用加权线性混合模型来识别与潜在个体对偏离一般行为模式相关的因素。狼一直避开人类住区和主要道路,几乎没有个体差异。事实上,在对季节、一天中的时间和纬度进行校正后,狼对的栖息地选择几乎没有变化,这表明所有狼对都有相似的运动模式,并且普遍避开了景观中的人类特征。在高纬度地区,狼对人类特征的回避率较低,尤其是在冬季,这可能是由于季节性猎物迁徙所致。虽然偶尔会看到食肉动物或它们靠近人类特征的踪迹,它们不一定需要管理干预。在大多数情况下,向公众传播有关食肉动物行为的科学发现就足够了。