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The exit from a metastable state: Concentration of the exit point distribution on the low energy saddle points, part 1
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.matpur.2019.06.003
Giacomo Di Gesù , Tony Lelièvre , Dorian Le Peutrec , Boris Nectoux

We consider the first exit point distribution from a bounded domain Ω of the stochastic process (Xt)t0 solution to the overdamped Langevin dynamicsdXt=f(Xt)dt+hdBt starting from the quasi-stationary distribution in Ω. In the small temperature regime (h0) and under rather general assumptions on f (in particular, f may have several critical points in Ω), it is proven that the support of the distribution of the first exit point concentrates on some points realizing the minimum of f on ∂Ω. Some estimates on the relative likelihood of these points are provided. The proof relies on tools from semi-classical analysis.



我们考虑随机过程的有界域Ω的第一个出口点分布 XŤŤ0 过度阻尼的Langevin动力学的解决方案dXŤ=-FXŤdŤ+HdŤ从Ω的准平稳分布开始。在小温度范围内(H0),并且在关于f的相当一般的假设下(特别是f可能在Ω处有几个临界点),事实证明,对第一个出口点分布的支持集中在某些点上,实现了∂Ω上f的最小值。提供了关于这些点的相对可能性的一些估计。证明依赖于来自半经典分析的工具。
