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Routine survey of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates reveals nosocomial transmission
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-05 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01888-2019
Charlotte Genestet 1, 2, 3 , Raphael Paret 1, 2, 3 , Catherine Pichat 1 , Jean-Luc Berland 2, 4 , Véronique Jacomo 5 , Gerard Carret 1 , Isabelle Fredenucci 1 , Elisabeth Hodille 1 , Jean-Philippe Rasigade 1, 2 , Sandrine Boisset 6 , Anne Carricajo 7 , Gérard Lina 1, 2 , Anne-Sophie Ronnaux-Baron 8 , Jean-François Mornex 9 , Jacqueline Grando 10 , Agathe Sénéchal 9 , Florence Ader 2, 11 , Oana Dumitrescu 2, 12 ,

Control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission in high-income healthcare settings and in low tuberculosis (TB) prevalence countries remains a public health priority given the constant changes in M. tuberculosis epidemiology worldwide. Though Europe is a low prevalence area [1], TB burden among precarious and migrant populations contributes to this evolving landscape, as addressed by the action framework towards TB elimination [2]. At the core of the national healthcare system, tertiary care hospitals manage both patients with greater susceptibility to TB, and patients with complex and/or advanced TB disease. Key measures for TB control rely on enabling linkage of cases and identification of transmission chains, often supported by molecular survey tools [3, 4]. Tuberculosis is the number one life-threatening contagious disease. Ongoing systematic and prospective M. tuberculosis genotyping enables tracing transmissions, enhances active case finding and allows implementation of effective airborne control measures. http://bit.ly/2OyJvKx



鉴于全球结核分枝杆菌流行病学的不断变化,在高收入医疗机构和低结核病 (TB) 流行国家控制结核分枝杆菌传播仍然是公共卫生的重点。尽管欧洲是一个低流行地区 [1],但正如消除结核病行动框架所解决的那样,不稳定和流动人口中的结核病负担促成了这一不断变化的格局 [2]。作为国家医疗保健系统的核心,三级医院管理结核病易感性较高的患者以及复杂和/或晚期结核病患者。结核病控制的关键措施依赖于病例之间的联系和传播链的识别,通常得到分子调查工具的支持 [3, 4]。结核病是威胁生命的第一大传染病。正在进行的系统性和前瞻性的结核分枝杆菌基因分型能够追踪传播,加强积极的病例发现,并允许实施有效的空气传播控制措施。http://bit.ly/2OyJvKx