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Avoiding immortal time bias in observational studies
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.02494-2019
Adam J N Raymakers 1 , Mohsen Sadatsafavi 2 , Don D Sin 3, 4 , J Mark FitzGerald 4 , Carlo A Marra 5 , Larry D Lynd 2, 6

We read with interest the recent study by Suissa et al. [1] published in the European Respiratory Journal. The study used population-based administrative data from the province of Quebec, Canada, to evaluate the association between inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) exposure and lung cancer risk in patients with COPD. The results of the study indicated that ICS use was not associated with lung cancer risk in this patient population. Immortal time bias is common in observational studies; however, in the analysis conducted by Raymakers and colleagues appropriate measures were taken to avoid this bias http://bit.ly/36042OV



我们饶有兴趣地阅读了 Suissa 等人最近的研究。[1] 发表在欧洲呼吸杂志上。该研究使用来自加拿大魁北克省的基于人群的行政数据来评估吸入性皮质类固醇 (ICS) 暴露与 COPD 患者肺癌风险之间的关联。研究结果表明,在该患者群体中,ICS 的使用与肺癌风险无关。不朽的时间偏差在观察性研究中很常见。然而,在 Raymakers 及其同事进行的分析中,采取了适当的措施来避免这种偏见 http://bit.ly/36042OV