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Zinc-nitrogen interaction effect on wheat biofortification and nutrient use efficiency
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-27 , DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201900339
Mónica Montoya 1 , Antonio Vallejo 1 , Jaime Recio 1 , Guillermo Guardia 1 , Jose Manuel Alvarez 1

The enhancement of zinc (Zn) concentration in cereal crops without compromising yield is a global challenge with crucial health and food security implications. Aims: To achieve Zn biofortification in wheat through the appropriate management of fertilization with both Zn and nitrogen (N), due to the synergistic effect between them, using natural organic sources of Zn. Methods: We carried out a field experiment using a rainfed winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop fertilized with four Zn sources (Zn-sulphate, Zn-lignosulphonate, Zn-amino acids and Zn-gluconate) and three N application rates under semi-arid conditions. Results: The strategy of increasing the N rate by 50% with respect to the recommended N rate (i.e., 120 kg N ha–1) did not improve either wheat yield or grain Zn-N concentration. The combined effect of applying natural organic Zn complexes and the recommended N rate tended to increase grain Zn concentrations (by an average of 14%), although this increase was significantly higher when Zn-sulphate was applied (63%) due to its higher recommended Zn application rate. Natural organic Zn fertilizers achieved the highest grain yields, probably due to the enhancement of N uptake. The natural organic Zn fertilizers resulted in higher Zn utilization efficiency compared with the Zn-sulphate fertilizer. Conclusions: In calcareous Zn-deficient soils, our results suggest that Zn–N co-fertilization involving Zn-sulphate combined with the recommended N application rate would be advisable for obtaining grain Zn biofortification, while the highest yields can be obtained with the application of natural organic Zn fertilizers.



在不影响产量的情况下提高谷类作物中的锌 (Zn) 浓度是一项全球性挑战,对健康和粮食安全具有重要影响。目的:利用锌和氮(N)之间的协同作用,利用锌的天然有机源,通过适当管理施肥,实现小麦锌的生物强化。方法:我们对雨养冬小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)作物进行了田间试验,该作物用四种锌源(硫酸锌、木质素磺酸锌、氨基酸锌和葡萄糖酸锌)和三种氮肥施用量施肥。 - 干旱的条件。结果:相对于推荐的施氮量(即 120 kg N ha-1)将施氮量提高 50% 的策略并没有提高小麦产量或谷物 Zn-N 浓度。施用天然有机锌配合物和推荐的 N 比率的综合作用倾向于增加谷物 Zn 浓度(平均增加 14%),尽管当施用硫酸锌 (63%) 时这种增加显着更高,因为它的推荐值更高锌的施用率。天然有机锌肥获得了最高的谷物产量,这可能是由于 N 吸收的增强。与硫酸锌肥相比,天然有机锌肥具有更高的锌利用效率。结论:在钙质缺锌土壤中,我们的研究结果表明,涉及硫酸锌的 Zn-N 复合施肥结合推荐的施氮量对于获得谷物锌生物强化是可取的,而施用硫酸锌可以获得最高产量。天然有机锌肥。