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Assessing the capacity of endemic alpine water beetles to face climate change
Insect Conservation and Diversity ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-13 , DOI: 10.1111/icad.12394
Susana Pallarés 1 , Andrés Millán 2 , Juana M. Mirón 2 , Josefa Velasco 2 , David Sánchez‐Fernández 2 , María Botella‐Cruz 2 , Pedro Abellán 1

  1. Accurate assessments of species' vulnerability to climate change require integrated measurements of its different drivers, including extrinsic (the magnitude and rate of climate change) and intrinsic factors (organisms' sensitivity and adaptive capacity). According to these factors, aquatic insects restricted to alpine ponds may be especially threatened by climate change. However, vulnerability predictions based on such an integrative approach are scarce for alpine pond taxa.
  2. We combined distributional, climatic data and experimental measurements of heat tolerance and acclimation capacity of two water beetles endemic to Sierra Nevada National Park (Spain) to evaluate different components of their vulnerability to climate change. We estimated: (i) changes in climatically suitable habitat under different scenarios of climate change and (ii) thermal safety margins (the difference between species upper thermal limits and the maximum temperatures in their current localities), for current and future conditions, and acclimation capacity, as measures of the physiological capacity to persist in situ.
  3. Species distribution models predicted a virtual loss of climatically suitable area under different climate change scenarios. Nonetheless, both taxa showed heat tolerance limits above the predicted maximum temperatures in their current localities (but no capacity to adjust such limits through acclimation). Therefore, these beetles could have the physiological capacity to deal with warming conditions in situ.
  4. We recommend concentrating conservation efforts in current localities as the most efficient management strategy for both taxa. Our results stress the importance of accounting for physiological tolerances when predicting the vulnerability to climate change in alpine freshwater biota.



  1. 准确评估物种对气候变化的脆弱性需要对其不同驱动因素进行综合测量,包括外部因素(气候变化的幅度和速度)和内在因素(生物的敏感性和适应能力)。根据这些因素,仅限于高山池塘的水生昆虫可能特别受到气候变化的威胁。但是,基于这种综合方法的脆弱性预测对于高山池塘类群来说是很少的。
  2. 我们结合了分布,气候数据和两个内华达山脉国家公园(西班牙)特有的水甲虫的耐热性和适应能力的实验测量值,以评估其易受气候变化影响的不同组成部分。我们估计:(i)在气候变化的不同情况下气候适宜的栖息地的变化,以及(ii)针对当前和未来条件以及适应环境的热安全裕度(物种热上限和当前位置的最高温度之间的差异)容量,作为就地持续的生理容量的量度。
  3. 物种分布模型预测了在不同气候变化情景下气候适宜区域的虚拟损失。尽管如此,两个分类单元均显示出高于其当前位置的预计最高温度的耐热极限(但没有能力通过适应来调节此类极限)。因此,这些甲虫可能具有应付原地变暖条件的生理能力。
  4. 我们建议将保护工作集中在当前地区,作为这两个分类单元最有效的管理策略。我们的结果强调了预测高山淡水生物区系对气候变化的脆弱性时考虑生理耐受性的重要性。