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Insights into the horizontal movements, migration patterns, and stock affiliation of California swordfish
Fisheries Oceanography ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-11 , DOI: 10.1111/fog.12461
Chugey A. Sepulveda 1 , Michael Wang 1 , Scott A. Aalbers 1 , Jaime R. Alvarado-Bremer 2

This study reports on the horizontal movements of swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.) tagged during deep‐set fishery trials off the California coastline. Position estimates from several electronic tag types were used to better understand swordfish stock structure and regional affiliation with current boundary hypotheses used to manage swordfish in the eastern north Pacific. Swordfish were outfitted with (a) satellite‐linked mark–recapture tags (n = 66), (b) electronic data storage tags that were recaptured (n = 16), (c) fin‐mounted Argos transmitters (n = 6), and (d) satellite‐linked archival tags (n = 4). Twenty‐six percent of tagged swordfish reported close to (<225 km) their deployment location within the southern California Bight (SCB). Of the 50 swordfish that moved outside the SCB, 76% exhibited affiliation to the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) management unit, 20% moved into the Western and Central North Pacific (WCNP) and 4% spent time within both the EPO and WCNP boundaries. Mean displacement between deployment and reporting locations was 1,250 ± 1,375 km, with daily rates of movement up to 55 km/day. Seasonal migrations ranged from the equator (0.8°N.132.4°W) to the Hawaiian Islands (17.0°N/154.2°W), with multiple individuals returning to the initial tagging locations the subsequent season. Seasonal site fidelity exhibited by several individuals highlights the importance of the SCB foraging grounds. While no evidence of trans‐equatorial or trans‐Pacific crossing was documented, extensive movements validate the highly migratory nature of California swordfish and support the need for future inclusion of spatial distribution data in management. Findings suggest that SCB swordfish may exhibit a higher level of EPO connectivity than previously proposed.



这项研究报告了在加利福尼亚海岸线附近进行深层渔业试验期间标记的箭鱼(Xiphias gladius L.)的水平运动。来自几种电子标签类型的位置估计值被用来更好地了解箭鱼种群结构和区域隶属关系,并采用了当前边界假设来管理北太平洋东部的箭鱼。箭鱼配备(a)卫星链接的标记捕获标签(n  = 66),(b)被重新捕获的电子数据存储标签(n  = 16),(c)鳍式Argos发射器(n  = 6),和(d)卫星链接的档案标签(n = 4)。有26%的标记箭鱼报告称其在南加州湾(SCB)内的部署位置接近(<225 km)。在迁移到SCB之外的50条剑鱼中,有76%表现出隶属于东太平洋(EPO)管理单位,有20%进入了西太平洋和中北太平洋(WCNP),有4%的时间在EPO和WCNP边界内。部署位置与报告位置之间的平均位移为1,250±1,375 km,每日移动速度高达55 km / day。季节性迁徙范围从赤道(0.8°N.132.4°W)到夏威夷群岛(17.0°N / 154.2°W),随后的季节中有多个人返回初始标签位置。几个人展现的季节性场所忠诚度凸显了SCB觅食场的重要性。尽管没有证据表明有横越赤道或横渡太平洋的证据,但广泛的运动证实了加州箭鱼的高度迁徙性,并支持将来在管理中纳入空间分布数据。研究结果表明,SCB箭鱼的EPO连接性可能比以前提出的更高。