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Ode to the Civil Servant
Fisheries ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-12 , DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10433
Scott A. Bonar

“How is your fishing?” I used to ask people as a state fish biologist doing creel surveys. One response: “You are a f#$#ing waste of my f$%$ing money. Another said, “You G#d@#n ecologists are filled with more s#$t than the Christmas goose.” At a meeting when I was a professor: “You pointy‐headed liberals are indoctrinating our kids” (I must admit my head shape is somewhat pointy, but I classify myself as more of a moderate than a liberal. I do plead guilty to indoctrinating students—in the methods of fish biology, fish management and statistics). These comments were puzzling. As the saying goes, “How did they know all this about me when we had only just met?”.



“你钓鱼怎么样?” 我曾经问过作为状态鱼类生物学家的人,他们进行纱架调查。一个回应:“你在浪费我的钱。另一个人说:“您的生态学家比圣诞节的鹅更充满精神。” 在我当教授的一次会议上:“你们这些尖尖的自由主义者正在灌输我们的孩子们”(我必须承认自己的头型有些尖锐,但是我将自己归类为温和派而不是自由派。我对灌输教育表示内lead学生-有关鱼类生物学,鱼类管理和统计的方法)。这些评论令人费解。俗话说:“当我们刚见面时,他们怎么知道我的一切?”