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Stakeholder Involvement in Natural Resource Decisions: The Missouri River
Fisheries ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-11 , DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10364
Michael J. Mac 1, 2 , Sarah Palmer 2

The Water Resources Development Act of 2007 authorized creation of the Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (MRRIC) to provide recommendations to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on a recovery and mitigation plan to avoid jeopardy of three endangered species (Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus, interior least tern Sterna antillarum athalassos, and piping plover Charadrius melodus). Formation of the MRRIC in 2007 ushered in a new era of federal, state, tribal, and nongovernmental stakeholder collaboration in the river basin following nearly 20 years of litigation and legislative actions in Congress related to management of and operations on the river. Over a decade, through its deliberations, MRRIC has been instrumental in influencing the USACE endangered species recovery and mitigation efforts. The diversity of MRRIC membership proved beneficial when examining the socioeconomic impacts of river operations. However, this diversity also presented challenges to the communication of technical issues facing recovery of imperiled species, especially the Pallid Sturgeon. By instituting an independent science panel trusted by MRRIC members, the committee advanced key recommendations to the USACE in the development of an adaptive management plan. Unfortunately, at two key points in the past decade, members of MRRIC opted to work outside of the committee construct, engaging in legislative strategies to limit potential recovery actions. This paper describes actions by MRRIC that have benefited the USACE recovery effort and limitations within the committee that in turn have constrained the recovery effort.



2007年的《水资源开发法》授权成立密苏里河恢复实施委员会(MRRIC),以向美国陆军工程兵团(USACE)提供有关恢复和缓解计划的建议,以避免危害三种濒危物种(Pallid urge鱼Scaphirhynchus albus,内部最小的Sterna antillarum athalassos和管道pl Charadrius melodus)。MRRIC于2007年成立,开启了流域联邦,州,部落和非政府利益相关方合作的新纪元,这是经过近20年的国会有关河流管理和运营的诉讼和立法行动之后的结果。十多年来,通过其审议,MRRIC一直在影响USACE濒危物种的恢复和缓解工作。在审查河流作业的社会经济影响时,MRRIC成员的多样性被证明是有益的。但是,这种多样性也给传播受威胁物种特别是苍白the鱼所面临的技术问题带来了挑战。通过成立一个由MRRIC成员信任的独立科学小组,该委员会在制定适应性管理计划时向USACE提供了重要建议。不幸的是,在过去十年中的两个关键时刻,MRRIC成员选择在委员会架构之外工作,参与制定立法策略以限制潜在的恢复行动。本文介绍了MRRIC采取的有益于USACE恢复工作的行动以及委员会内部的限制,这些限制反过来又限制了恢复工作。