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Bird communities across varying landcover types in a Neotropical city
Biotropica ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-05 , DOI: 10.1111/btp.12729
William Michael Hayes 1 , Jessica Claris Fisher 1 , Meshach Andres Pierre 2 , Jake Emmerson Bicknell 1 , Zoe Georgina Davies 1

Urbanization poses a serious threat to local biodiversity, yet towns and cities with abundant natural features may harbor important species populations and communities. While the contribution of urban greenspaces to conservation has been demonstrated by numerous studies within temperate regions, few consider the bird communities associated with different landcovers in Neotropical cities. To begin to fill this knowledge gap, we examined how the avifauna of a wetland city in northern Amazonia (Georgetown, Guyana) varied across six urban landcover types (coastal bluespace; urban bluespace; managed greenspace; unmanaged greenspace; dense urban; sparse urban). We measured detections, species richness and a series of ground cover variables that characterized the heterogeneity of each landcover, at 114 locations across the city. We recorded >10% (98) of Guyana’s bird species in Georgetown, including taxa of conservation interest. Avian detections, richness, and community composition differed with landcover type. Indicator species analysis identified 29 species from across dietary guilds, which could be driving community composition. Comparing landcovers, species richness was highest in managed greenspaces and lowest in dense urban areas. The canal network had comparable levels of species richness to greenspaces. The waterways are likely to play a key role in enhancing habitat connectivity as they traverse densely urbanized areas. Both species and landcover information should be integrated into urban land-use planning in the rapidly urbanizing Neotropics to maximize the conservation value of cities. This is imperative in the tropics, where anthropogenic pressures on species are growing significantly, and action needs to be taken to prevent biodiversity collapse.



城市化对当地生物多样性构成严重威胁,但拥有丰富自然特征的城镇和城市可能拥有重要的物种种群和社区。虽然温带地区的大量研究已经证明了城市绿地对保护的贡献,但很少有人考虑与新热带城市不同土地覆盖相关的鸟类群落。为了开始填补这一知识空白,我们研究了亚马逊河流域北部(圭亚那乔治敦)湿地城市的鸟类在六种城市土地覆盖类型(沿海蓝色空间;城市蓝色空间;管理绿色空间;未管理绿色空间;密集城市;稀疏城市)中的变化. 我们在全市 114 个地点测量了检测结果、物种丰富度和一系列表征每个土地覆盖异质性的地面覆盖变量。我们录了 > 乔治敦 10% (98) 的圭亚那鸟类,包括具有保护意义的分类群。鸟类检测、丰富度和群落组成因土地覆盖类型而异。指标物种分析确定了来自不同饮食行会的 29 个物种,这可能会推动群落组成。比较土地覆盖,物种丰富度在管理的绿地中最高,在密集的城市地区最低。运河网络的物种丰富度与绿地相当。水道在穿越人口稠密的城市化地区时,可能会在加强栖息地连通性方面发挥关键作用。在快速城市化的新热带地区,物种和土地覆盖信息应纳入城市土地利用规划,以最大限度地发挥城市的保护价值。这在热带地区是必不可少的,