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Inter‐ and intraspecific trait variation shape multidimensional trait overlap between two plant invaders and the invaded communities
Oikos ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-04 , DOI: 10.1111/oik.06919
Kenny Helsen 1 , Elisa Van Cleemput 2 , Leonardo Bassi 1 , Bente J. Graae 3 , Ben Somers 2 , Benjamin Blonder 3, 4 , Olivier Honnay 1

Invader success and ecosystem impact are both expected to be largely driven by the functional trait distinctiveness of the resident species relative to the invaded communities. To understand the importance of trait distinctiveness for plant invasions, and the native community's trait response to the invasion, it is key to measure multiple traits simultaneously, and to incorporate intraspecific trait variation. Here we explored multidimensional patterns of inter‐ and intraspecific trait variation during the invasion of two functionally contrasting species. We constructed multidimensional trait hypervolumes for the invaders, their invaded communities, and uninvaded reference communities. The functional distinctiveness hypothesis predicts that invaders will occupy a mostly unique part of the trait hypervolume and that invasion will shift the trait composition of the native community to minimize trait overlap with the invader. Impatiens glandulifera was characterized by acquisitive traits, while Rosa rugosa had more resource conservative traits, reflecting their respective invaded habitats. Both invaders showed relatively little hypervolume overlap with the uninvaded communities, although this overlap was higher for R. rugosa (31.9%) than for I. glandulifera (14.3%). Both invaders affected community traits, mainly due to intraspecific trait changes of the resident species. As expected, invasion by R. rugosa reduced trait overlap between invader and community to 18.3%. Invasion by I. glandulifera, however, resulted in an increased trait overlap to 26.7%. In both cases the community traits shifted towards a more resource acquisitive strategy following invasion, irrespective of the invader's trait composition. This suggests that invasion‐driven community‐level intraspecific trait shifts are likely caused by increased competition for light under the invader, rather than by niche overlap. These, at first sight contradictory, results demonstrate the need for better trait‐based invasion and community ecology theory. Our results furthermore show that invaders can shift the trait occupancy of resident communities.



入侵者的成功和对生态系统的影响都将在很大程度上归因于居住物种相对于入侵社区的功能性特征的独特性。要了解性状独特性对于植物入侵的重要性以及原生社区的性状对入侵的响应,关键是同时测量多个性状,并纳入种内性状变异。在这里,我们探索了两种功能相对的物种入侵期间种间和种内性状变异的多维模式。我们为入侵者,他们入侵的社区和未入侵的参考社区构建了多维特征超量。凤仙花(Impatiens glandulifera)具有习性特征,而蔷薇(Rosa rugosa)具有更多的资源保守性状,反映了它们各自的入侵栖息地。两种入侵者都显示出与未入侵社区相对较少的超量重叠,尽管对于皱纹古卷藻(31.9%)而言,它比腺果蝇I. glandulifera)(14.3%)更高。两种入侵者都影响了社区特性,这主要是由于常驻物种的种内特性变化所致。正如预期的那样,皱纹雷公菌的入侵将入侵者和群落之间的性状重叠减少到18.3%。I. glandulifera的入侵但是,导致性状重叠增加到26.7%。在这两种情况下,无论入侵者的特征组成如何,入侵后社区特征都转向一种更具资源获取性的策略。这表明,由入侵驱动的社区一级种内特征转移可能是由于入侵者对光的竞争加剧,而不是由于利基重叠。乍一看,这些结果相互矛盾,表明需要更好的基于特征的入侵和社区生态学理论。我们的结果进一步表明,入侵者可以改变居民社区的特质占有率。