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Management effects on plant community and functional assemblages in Chicago's vacant lots
Applied Vegetation Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-18 , DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12480
Elsa C. Anderson 1, 2 , Emily S. Minor 1, 3

QUESTION: We ask whether 11‐year mowing patterns and presence of fencing influence plant community diversity and functional assemblage in urban vacant lots. LOCATION: This study took place in 34 vacant lots on the south and west sides of Chicago, IL, USA. Urban vacant lots are an excellent study system in which to investigate the effects of management in cities: they are ubiquitous in many cities and they experience a range of management, particularly mowing and fencing. METHODS: We used municipal data to classify infrequent and intensive mowing regimes and assessed presence or absence of fencing in situ. In our sites, these management strategies are independent. We used individual permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) models to assess the effects of these management strategies on plant community composition. We then assessed species richness of plants with various traits using six individual two‐way ANOVA models with interaction terms. Our predictor variables included management strategies (mowing intensity and fencing) and three plant traits (growth form [graminoid, forb, or woody], life duration (annual, biennial, or perennial), and biogeographic origin [native or introduced]). RESULTS: We found 120 plant species in the vacant lots. Most of these species were perennial, introduced forbs. We found no discernable effects of mowing intensity on plant community composition or richness of plants in the three functional groups. However, when we compared the species found along fences to those in lot interiors, we found significantly different plant communities. Fence line communities had significantly more native and woody species than lot interiors. CONCLUSIONS: Plant communities differ at very fine spatial scales within an individual vacant lot, and this pattern is related to the presence of fences. Overall, vacant lots support diverse plant communities which can differentially contribute to wildlife habitat depending on management strategy.



问题:我们询问 11 年的割草模式和围栏的存在是否会影响城市空地中的植物群落多样性和功能组合。地点:这项研究在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥南部和西部的 34 个空地上进行。城市空地是一个很好的研究系统,可以用来研究城市管理的影响:它们在许多城市无处不在,并且经历了一系列的管理,特别是割草和围栏。方法:我们使用市政数据对不频繁和密集的割草制度进行分类,并评估原位围栏的存在与否。在我们的站点中,这些管理策略是独立的。我们使用个体排列方差分析 (PERMANOVA) 模型来评估这些管理策略对植物群落组成的影响。然后,我们使用具有交互项的六个单独的双向方差分析模型评估具有各种性状的植物的物种丰富度。我们的预测变量包括管理策略(割草强度和围栏)和三种植物性状(生长形式 [禾本科、杂草或木本]、寿命(一年、两年或多年生)和生物地理起源 [本地或引进])。结果:我们在空地上发现了120种植物。这些物种中的大多数是多年生的,引入了杂草。我们没有发现割草强度对三个功能组中植物群落组成或植物丰富度的影响。然而,当我们将围栏上发现的物种与地块内部的物种进行比较时,我们发现了明显不同的植物群落。围栏线社区比地块内部拥有更多的本地和木本物种。结论:在单个空地内,植物群落在非常精细的空间尺度上存在差异,这种模式与围栏的存在有关。总体而言,空地支持多样化的植物群落,根据管理策略,它们可以对野生动物栖息地做出不同的贡献。