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Phylogeographical patterns and a cryptic species provide new insights into Western Indian Ocean giant clams phylogenetic relationships and colonization history
Journal of Biogeography ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-20 , DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13797
Cécile Fauvelot 1, 2, 3 , Dario Zuccon 4 , Philippe Borsa 1, 2 , Daphné Grulois 1 , Hélène Magalon 2, 5 , Florentine Riquet 3 , Serge Andréfouët 1 , Michael L. Berumen 6 , Tane H. Sinclair‐Taylor 6 , Pauline Gélin 5 , Faustinato Behivoke 7 , Jan Johan Poorten 8 , Ellen E. Strong 9 , Philippe Bouchet 4

We are grateful to Boris Sirenko for access to the type mate-rial of T. rosewateri at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St Petersburg and allowing us to sample dried muscle tissue, to Antonio Bonfitto (University of Bologna, Italy) for kindly providing part of the dry ligament and photo-graphs of the lectotype of T. elongatissima and to Gustav Paulay for sharing T. squamosina sample UF463401 from the Farasan Island, Saudi Arabia. We would like to thank Claude Payri, Thierry Hoareau and Francesca Benzoni for insightful discus-sions, and Gustav Paulay and two anonymous referees for their constructive comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. Relevant fieldwork permission was obtained for all sampling lo-cations. Sampling in the North-West of Madagascar (CF, HM, SA) was done during the MAD (http://dx.doi.org/10.17600/16004700) oceanographic campaign on board of RV Antea(IRD). Sampling in Reunion Island (HM, PG) was supported by program TriMax (LabEx CORAIL fund); in the South of Madagascar (HM) in collaboration with the Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines, University of Toliara (IH.SM); in Juan de Nova (HM) by program BIORECIE (financial supports from INEE, INSU, IRD, AAMP, FRB, TAAF, and the foundation Veolia Environnement); The Atimo Vatae expedition to South Madagascar (Principal Investigator, Philippe Bouchet) was part of a cluster of Mozambique-Madagascar expeditions funded by the Total Foundation, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Stavros Niarchos Foundation, and additional support from the Richard Lounsbery Foundation and Triballat, under ‘Our Planet Reviewed', a joint initiative of Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) and Pro Natura International (PNI) in part-nership with IH.SM and the Madagascar bureau of Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). Sampling in the Red Sea (THS) was supported by Eric Mason of Dream Divers, and the captain and crew of the MV Dream Master. This is ENTROPIE contribution no 413.



我们感谢 Boris Sirenko 在圣彼得堡俄罗斯科学院动物研究所获得 T. rosewateri 的类型材料,并允许我们对干燥的肌肉组织进行采样,给 Antonio Bonfitto(意大利博洛尼亚大学)好心提供部分干韧带和 T. elongatissima 选型的照片,并感谢 Gustav Paulay 分享来自沙特阿拉伯 Farasan 岛的 T.squamosina 样品 UF463401。我们要感谢 Claude Payri、Thierry Hoareau 和 Francesca Benzoni 富有洞察力的讨论,以及 Gustav Paulay 和两位匿名审稿人对早期版本的手稿提出的建设性意见。所有采样地点都获得了相关的实地工作许可。马达加斯加西北部(CF、HM、SA)的采样是在 MAD 期间进行的 (http://dx.doi.org/10. 17600/16004700) RV Antea(IRD) 船上的海洋学活动。留尼汪岛(HM,PG)的采样得到了 TriMax 项目(LabEx CORAIL 基金)的支持;在马达加斯加南部 (HM) 与托利亚拉大学海洋科学研究所 (IH.SM) 合作;在胡安德诺瓦 (HM) 计划 BIORECIE(来自 INEE、INSU、IRD、AAMP、FRB、TAAF 和基金会威立雅环境的财务支持);Atimo Vatae 南马达加斯加探险队(首席研究员,Philippe Bouchet)是莫桑比克-马达加斯加探险队的一部分,由道达尔基金会、摩纳哥王子阿尔伯特二世基金会、斯塔夫罗斯尼亚尔霍斯基金会以及理查德·朗斯伯里基金会和Triballat,根据“我们的星球审查”,国家博物馆的联合倡议 Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) 和 Pro Natura International (PNI) 与 IH.SM 和马达加斯加野生动物保护协会 (WCS) 局合作。红海采样(THS)得到了 Dream Divers 的 Eric Mason 和 MV Dream Master 的船长和船员的支持。这是熵贡献第 413 号。