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Pollination by bats enhances both quality and yield of a major cash crop in Mexico
Journal of Applied Ecology ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-26 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13545
Constance J. Tremlett 1 , Mandy Moore 2 , Mark A. Chapman 1, 3 , Veronica Zamora‐Gutierrez 1, 4 , Kelvin S.‐H. Peh 1, 5

  1. Bats pollinate many plants of high socio‐economic value, including the majority of columnar cacti (Cactaceae) in Mexico, which have been used by humans for food and materials for thousands of years. However, the importance of bats as pollinators has been overlooked, with a consequent lack of knowledge of the reliance of crops on bats for harvest yield and quality.
  2. We used exclusion experiments to determine the effect of different pollinator taxa on the yield and quality of pitayas (fruit of Stenocereus queretaroensis (F.A.C. Weber) Buxbaum), a major crop in central Mexico. We studied the three most economically important cultivars and wild individuals in the principal region for pitaya production. For each pollinator taxon we recorded fruit set and measured three key parameters of fruit quality: weight, sucrose concentration and seed set. We placed camera traps to determine pollinator identity and the effect of visitation rate on fruit quality.
  3. We found the primary pollinators of pitayas to be nectarivorous bats in the genus Leptonycteris. When bats were excluded from flowers and flowers were pollinated by other taxa (i.e. diurnal birds and insects), pitaya yield decreased by 35%, though pollination dependence varied between cultivars. Fruit quality decreased significantly in the absence of bat pollination across all cultivars, with fruits 46% lighter and 13% less sweet when pollinated by other taxa; reducing economic value, as size determines market price. Additionally, seed set (an indicator of effective pollination) was significantly lower in the absence of bat pollinators. Visitation rate had no effect on fruit quality.
  4. Synthesis and applications. Our study shows that bats provide a vital ecosystem service by pollinating a crop of major socio‐economic importance, and that consideration of both crop quality and yield are essential to fully understanding the benefits of bat pollination. A reduction of this service would result in a decrease in both the size and quality of the harvest, causing substantial loss of income for rural communities. Bats world‐wide face many threats, and management efforts targeted to the enhancement of wild bat pollinator populations would preserve the sustainability of both bat‐pollinated crops and wild plants.



  1. 蝙蝠对许多具有很高社会经济价值的植物进行授粉,包括墨西哥的大多数柱状仙人掌(仙人掌科),这些植物已被人类用作食品和材料数千年之久。但是,蝙蝠作为传粉媒介的重要性被忽略了,因此缺乏对作物依赖蝙蝠收获产量和质量的了解。
  2. 我们使用排除实验来确定不同传粉媒介类群对墨西哥中部主要农作物火龙果Snocereus queretaroensis(FAC Weber)Buxbaum的果实)的产量和品质的影响。我们研究了在主要地区生产火龙果的三个最重要的经济品种和野生个体。对于每个授粉媒介类群,我们记录了坐果并测量了果实品质的三个关键参数:重量,蔗糖浓度和种子座。我们放置了相机陷阱,以确定传粉媒介的身份以及探望率对果实品质的影响。
  3. 我们发现火龙果的主要传粉者是Leptonycteris属的肉食性蝙蝠。当蝙蝠被排除在花朵之外,而花朵被其他类群(如昼夜鸟类和昆虫)授粉时,火龙果的产量下降了35%,尽管不同品种之间的授粉依赖性不同。在所有品种中,在没有蝙蝠授粉的情况下,果实品质显着下降,当通过其他类群授粉时,果实的质量降低了46%,甜度降低了13%。大小决定市场价格,从而降低经济价值。此外,在没有蝙蝠传粉者的情况下,结实(有效授粉的指标)明显降低。探视率对果实品质没有影响。
  4. 综合与应用。我们的研究表明,蝙蝠通过对具有重要社会经济意义的农作物进行授粉来提供至关重要的生态系统服务,并且对作物质量和单产的考虑对于充分了解蝙蝠授粉的益处至关重要。减少这种服务将导致收成规模和质量的下降,从而给农村社区造成大量的收入损失。全世界的蝙蝠面临许多威胁,针对增加野生蝙蝠传粉者种群的管理努力将保持蝙蝠授粉作物和野生植物的可持续性。