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How much is the designation of a new biosphere reserve worth? Landsenses ecology valuation evidence from Israel
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-23 , DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2019.1707326
N. Becker 1

A biosphere reserve is a protected area that includes smaller areas where restricted development is allowed. This may help solve the conflict between conservation and development in areas where a corner solution is too expensive. The designation and management of a biosphere reserve contribute to what is called landsenses ecology but have their own costs and therefore need to be assessed for their benefits. In this study, non-market economic value resulting from the designation of the Megiddo Biosphere Reserve was quantified. The benefits for visitors in the area increased by ILS 59.23 per visit, for overall annual value of ILS 5.93 million (about US$ 1.68 million). Non-visitors are willing to pay ILS 24.75 per household per year to preserve the area. This result reflects the designation which is only a part of the overall value of the site. In terms of the total population of Israel, use and non-use values of the reserve total ILS 85.1 million per year. These results suggest that the Megiddo Regional Council joining the Bio-sphere designation program increased the value of the area for the entire population of Israel, both economically and in terms of non-market values.



生物圈保护区是一个受保护的区域,包括允许限制发展的较小区域。这可能有助于解决角落解决方案过于昂贵的地区的保护与发展之间的冲突。生物圈保护区的指定和管理有助于所谓的景观生态学,但有其自身成本,因此需要对其效益进行评估。在这项研究中,由于指定了Megiddo生物圈而产生的非市场经济价值储备被量化。该地区游客的每次访问增加了59.23伊拉克第纳尔,全年总价值为593万伊拉克第纳尔(约168万美元)。非游客愿意为保护该地区每年每户支付24.75 ILS。该结果反映了名称,该名称只是站点总价值的一部分。就以色列总​​人口而言,储备金的使用和未使用价值每年总计8 510万伊拉克第纳尔。这些结果表明,加入生物圈指定计划的梅吉多区域委员会在经济上和在非市场价值方面,为以色列整个人口增加了该地区的价值。
