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Barbara Franke—unravelling ADHD's biology
The Lancet Psychiatry ( IF 30.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(20)30104-8
Tony Kirby

“I'm a workaholic with a passion for investigating the biological mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders, especially ADHD,” Barbara Franke confesses. “I first had wanted to be a vet, but a work placement showed me that I might not be brave enough to work with large animals,” she tells The Lancet Psychiatry. Her focus quickly changed to biology after this: “In one project, we isolated DNA, and seeing it was one of those aha-moments that shape your future”. Now Chair of Molecular Psychiatry at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, Franke and her team are dedicated to unravelling the biology of ADHD.


芭芭拉·弗兰克(Barbara Franke)-揭示多动症的生物学

“我是一个工作狂,热衷于研究精神疾病(尤其是多动症)的生物学机制,”芭芭拉·弗兰克(Barbara Franke)坦言。她告诉《柳叶刀《精神病学》杂志:“我最初想当一名兽医,但工作岗位告诉我,我可能不够勇敢与大型动物打交道。” 此后,她的工作重点迅速转向生物学:“在一个项目中,我们分离了DNA,并发现它是塑造您未来的重要时刻之一”。现在,弗兰克(Franke)和她的团队现为荷兰奈梅亨拉德布德大学分子精神病学系主任,致力于研究多动症的生物学。