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Building for health
The Lancet Psychiatry ( IF 30.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(20)30107-3
Lloyd I Sederer

If I get really sick or badly injured, I want the best of modern medical care. But, to paraphrase the British economist Paula Lanza, Americans confound health with health care. As little as 10% of our health derives from health care; the remaining 90% is from our habits (behaviours), our environment, and our genetics (and our genes are turned on and off by the former two factors). If we want a healthy and safe life, we should not look to better pills or potions, to more shiny hospitals and equipment, or to medical innovation (except from continued public health advances).



如果我真的生病或重伤,我想要最好的现代医疗服务。但是,用英国经济学家宝拉·兰扎(Paula Lanza)来解释,美国人把健康与医疗保健混为一谈。我们只有10%的健康来自医疗保健;剩下的90%来自我们的习惯(行为),我们的环境和我们的遗传学(而我们的基因受前两个因素影响)。如果我们想要健康安全的生活,我们不应寻求更好的药丸或药水,更光鲜的医院和设备或医疗创新(除非持续不断的公共卫生事业)。