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Symptom clusters in adolescent depression and differential response to treatment: a secondary analysis of the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study randomised trial
The Lancet Psychiatry ( IF 30.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-19 , DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(20)30060-2
Julia Bondar , Arthur Caye , Adam M Chekroud , Christian Kieling


Better understanding of the heterogeneity of treatment responses could help to improve care for adolescents with depression. We analysed data from a clinical trial to assess whether specific symptom clusters responded differently to various treatments.


For this secondary analysis, we used data from the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS), in which 439 US adolescents aged 12–17 with a DSM-IV diagnosis of major depressive disorder and a minimum score of 45 on the Children's Depression Rating Scale-Revised (CDRS-R) were randomly assigned (1:1:1:1) to treatment with fluoxetine, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), fluoxetine plus CBT, or pill placebo. Our analysis focuses on the acute phase of the trial (ie, the first 12 weeks). Groups of co-occurring symptoms were established by clustering scores for each CDRS-R item at baseline with Ward's method, with Euclidean distances for hierarchical agglomerative clustering. We then used a linear mixed-effects model to investigate the relationship between symptom clusters and treatment efficacy, with the sum of symptom scores within each cluster as the dependent measure. As fixed effects, we entered cluster, time, and treatment assignment, with all two-way and three-way interactions, into the model. The random effect providing better fit was established to be a by-subject random slope for cluster based on improvement in the Schwarz-Bayesian information criterion.


We identified two symptom clusters: cluster 1 comprised depressed mood, difficulty having fun, irritability, social withdrawal, sleep disturbance, impaired schoolwork, excessive fatigue, and low self-esteem, and cluster 2 comprised increased appetite, physical complaints, excessive weeping, decreased appetite, excessive guilt, morbid ideation, and suicidal ideation. For cluster 1 symptoms, CDRS-R scores were reduced by 5·8 points (95% CI 2·8–8·9) in adolescents treated with fluoxetine plus CBT, and by 4·1 points (1·1–7·1) in those treated with fluoxetine, compared with those given placebo. For cluster 2 symptoms, no significant differences in improvements in CDRS-R scores were detected between the active treatment and placebo groups.


Response to fluoxetine and CBT among adolescents with depression is heterogeneous. Clinicians should consider clinical profile when selecting therapeutic modality. The contrast in response patterns between symptom clusters could provide opportunities to improve treatment efficacy by gearing the development of new therapies towards the resolution of specific symptoms.


Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.








我们确定了两个症状群集:群集1包括情绪低落,娱乐困难,烦躁,社交退缩,睡眠障碍,学业受损,过度疲劳和自尊心低;群集2包括食欲增加,身体不适,过度哭泣,情绪低落。食欲,内,病态和自杀意念。对于群1症状,用氟西汀加CBT治疗的青少年的CDRS-R得分降低了5·8分(95%CI 2·8-8·9),降低了4·1分(1·1-7·1) )与使用安慰剂的患者相比,用氟西汀治疗的患者)。对于第2类症状,在积极治疗组和安慰剂组之间CDRS-R评分的改善没有显着差异。




