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Whom should we credit for the discovery of isotopes?
Foundations of Chemistry ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10698-019-09347-2
Gareth R. Eaton

Whom should we credit for the discovery of isotopes? The first suggestion of an idea, the first experimental proof, or the development of a new method that clearly reveals the isotopes? Strömholm and Svedberg, Fajans and Soddy interpreted patterns of radioactive decay, which became confirmed theory on the solid basis of the very accurate atomic weight determinations by Richards and his coworkers. The mass spectrograph measurements by Aston provided major extension of the concept of isotopes to much of the rest of the periodic table. Thus, Strömholm and Svedberg, Fajans and Soddy (and others) provided an idea, which Richards proved, and Aston made generally useful. Richards should be listed along with Fajans, Soddy, and Aston for fundamental contributions to establishing isotopes as part of the modern language of science. As much credit should be given to the experimental proof as to the suggestion or naming of the concept.



我们应该将同位素的发现归功于谁?一个想法的第一个建议,第一个实验证明,还是开发一种清楚地揭示同位素的新方法?Strömholm 和 Svedberg、Fajans 和 Soddy 解释了放射性衰变的模式,在理查兹和他的同事非常准确的原子量测定的坚实基础上,这成为了被证实的理论。阿斯顿的质谱仪测量提供了同位素概念的主要扩展到元素周期表的大部分其余部分。因此,Strömholm 和 Svedberg、Fajans 和 Soddy(以及其他人)提供了一个想法,Richards 证明了这一点,Aston 使之普遍有用。理查兹应该与 Fajans、Soddy 和 Aston 一起列出,因为他们对将同位素作为现代科学语言的一部分做出了重要贡献。