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Comparative Analysis of Pleistocene Sediments of Pelagic Area and Submarine Continental Margins of the Pacific Ocean
Geochemistry International ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1134/s0016702920010097
M. A. Levitan

Abstract —Lithological-facies mapping of Pleistocene sediments of pelagic zone and ten key areas of the Pacific submarine margins allowed us to compile the review maps of the Neo- and Eopleistocene sediments for almost 90% of ocean basin area. The comparative analysis of quantitative sedimentation parameters for the Pleistocene sediments of the pelagic and continental margins revealed an increase of absolute mass of lithogenic matter on continental margins by more than eight times, while СаСО 3 and biogenic opal, by less than five times. The increasing trend of lithogenic and СаСО 3 fluxes in both megafacies zones was proved. Pelagic zone demonstrates an increase of biogenic opal accumulation in the Neopleistocene compared to the Eopleistocene, while fluxes of biogenic opal on the seafloor of continental margins were higher in the Eopleistocene.



摘要——太平洋海底边缘更新世和十个重点海域更新世沉积物的岩相填图使我们能够编制近 90% 的海盆区域的新世和更新世沉积物回顾图。对中上层和大陆边缘更新世沉积物定量沉积参数的比较分析显示,大陆边缘的成岩物质绝对质量增加了八倍以上,而СаСО 3和生物蛋白石增加了不到五倍。证明了两个巨相带中成岩和СаСО 3 通量的增加趋势。与更新世相比,远洋区表明新更新世的生物蛋白石积累增加,而大陆边缘海底的生物蛋白石通量在更新世更高。