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Host Specificity of the Parasitic Wasp Anaphes flavipes (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) and a New Defence in Its Hosts (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Oulema spp.)
Insects ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-10 , DOI: 10.3390/insects11030175
Alena Samková , Jiří Hadrava , Jiří Skuhrovec , Petr Janšta

The parasitic wasp Anaphes flavipes (Förster, 1841) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) is an important egg parasitoid of cereal leaf beetles. Some species of cereal leaf beetle co-occur in the same localities, but the host specificity of the wasp to these crop pests has not yet been examined in detail. A lack of knowledge of host specificity can have a negative effect on the use of this wasps in biological control programs addressed to specific pest species or genus. In this study, laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the host specificity of A. flavipes for three species of cereal leaf beetles (Oulema duftschmidi Redtenbacher, 1874, Oulema gallaeciana Heyden, 1879 and Oulema melanopus Linnaeus, 1758) in central Europe. For the first time, a new host defence against egg parasitoids occurring in O. gallaeciana from localities in the Czech Republic, a strong dark sticky layer on the egg surface, was found and described. The host specificity of A. flavipes was studied in the locality with the presence of this defence on O. gallaeciana eggs (the dark sticky layer) (Czech Republic) and in a control locality (Germany), where no such host defence was observed. Contrary to the idea that a host defence mechanism can change the host specificity of parasitoids, the wasps from these two localities did not display any differences in that. Respectively, even though it has been observed that eggs with sticky dark layer can prevent parasitization, the overall rate of parasitization of the three species of cereal beetles has not been affected. However, in our view, new host defence can influence the effects of biological control, as eggs of all Oulema spp. in the locality are protected against parasitization from the wasps stuck on the sticky layer of the host eggs of O. gallaeciana.


寄生黄蜂(Anwhes flavipes)(膜翅目:Mymaridae)的宿主特异性及其宿主的新防御(鞘翅目:金眼科:Oulema spp。)

寄生黄蜂Anaphes flavipes(福斯特,1841年)(膜翅目:Mymaridae)是谷类叶甲虫的重要卵寄生虫。谷物叶甲虫的某些物种在同一地点共存,但黄蜂对这些农作物害虫的宿主特异性尚未得到详细检查。缺乏宿主特异性知识可能会对这种黄蜂在针对特定有害生物物种或属的生物防治计划中的使用产生负面影响。在这项研究中,进行了实验室试验,以评估的宿主特异性A.北美散白蚁对三种谷物叶甲虫(负泥虫duftschmidi Redtenbacher,1874年,负泥虫gallaeciana Heyden的,1879年和负泥虫melanopusLinnaeus,1758年)在中欧。首次发现并描述了一种新的宿主防御方法,该防御方法是针对来自捷克共和国地方的加勒加油菜中发生的卵寄生虫的,卵表面有一个很强的深色粘性层。的宿主特异性A.北美散白蚁在当地进行了研究与此防御上存在O. gallaeciana卵(深色粘稠层)(捷克共和国)和控制区域(德国),没有观察到这种寄主防御。与宿主防御机制可以改变寄生虫的宿主特异性的想法相反,这两个地方的黄蜂在这方面没有表现出任何差异。分别地,即使已经观察到带有粘性深色层的鸡蛋可以防止寄生虫,但三种甲虫谷类的总寄生率并未受到影响。但是,在我们看来,新的宿主防御会影响生物控制的效果,就像所有Oulema spp的卵一样。在当地可以保护免受寄生在墨西哥稻寄主卵粘层上的黄蜂的寄生。